Ohmlirious: SleepOver Part Two (Smut)

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*Readers Pov*
The next day Ohm woke up to Delirious sleeping next to him naked. Him noticing that he's also naked he suddenly remembered what had happened last night. He jumped out of bed blushing heavily and panicking. Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! What did we do last night?! Delirious groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Ohm" Delirious said, his morning voice deep as hell.

"What did we do last night?" Ohm asked, grabbing a pillow and covering himself.

"We had sex. Is there a problem with that?" Delirious asked crawling towards him. Ohm blushed even more.

"I-It's just... I-I wasn't thinking straight last night!" Ohm tried to explain.

"Oh I think you were thinking quite clear last night Ohm~ You fucked me because of my problem~ And it seemed like you enjoyed it too~" cooed Delirious. Ohm looked at the ground admitting defeat. He's right... Ohm thought.

"I'm going in the shower" Ohm said turning his heel and going into the bathroom. Meanwhile Delirious grabbed his phone and checked his messages. He had some messages from CaRtOoNz.

C: Oi Delirious you awake?
D: I'm here. What's up?
C: The car has been fixed and I'll come pick you up in an hour! So start packing up your shit.
D: Holy shit! That was fast.
C: Yeah. Let Ohm know too.
D: I will.
C: See you in a bit.
D: Yeah.

Delirious put his phone down and sighed a little. This is great! The car is fixed and we can finish on moving to LA... But I'm going to miss Ohm though... Probably in many ways... Delirious blushed a little and he looked at the bathroom door.

He started making his way towards it. He opened it quietly and saw that the shower was running. He walked in and shut the door. He slid open the door and climbed in as he heard Ohm humming. He closed the door and then wrapped his arms around Ohm. Ohm jumped a little.

"Delirious is that you?" Ohm asked.

"Yes it's me" Delirious said.

"Why are you in here?" Ohm asked.

"Because maybe I want you to fuck me before I leave" Delirious said bluntly. Ohm tensed up a little.

"B-Before you leave?" Ohm questioned.

"Yeah. CaRtOoNz just texted me saying that the car is fixed and he's picking me up in an hour" Delirious said. Ohm turned, his hair drenched in water as he looked at Delirious.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You seem fine now" Ohm said.

"The one thing I'm going to miss the most from this trip, is you from last night~" Delirious said smashing his lips against Ohm's. Ohm stepped back a little in shock until he wrapped his arms around Delirious' waist. They pulled away.

Ohm pinned Delirious to the wall and started jerking him off as Delirious moaned. He then lifted him up and Delirious wrapped his legs around Ohm's waist and gripped onto Ohm's shoulders to keep himself up.

Ohm pushed into Delirious and Delirious moaned once again. Ohm thrusted hard and fast and Delirious pulled at his hair again. The water was still running in the shower so they were drenched in water and their own sweat.

"Ohm~! Ngh~ I-I..." Delirious couldn't say anymore as he was in too much pleasure. Ohm moaned a little in pleasure as he went even harder but his thrusts started to get slower.

"I-I'm close~! Delirious~!" Ohm moaned.

"Me too~!" Delirious moaned. A few more thrusts and then Ohm came in Delirious and Delirious came on Ohm's chest. Ohm pulled out and put Delirious down.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up" Ohm said. Delirious nodded and they started washing themselves.

*Time Skip*
After they washed themselves Ohm helped Delirious pack up his stuff.

"So the car is fixed now?" Ohm said.

"Yeah. It was fucking quick I'll tell you that" Delirious said.

"Damn. LA must be good with car repairs" Ohm said.

"Yeah" Delirious said. Ohm hugged Delirious.

"I'm going to miss you" Ohm said.

"Don't worry. We will still record together but there will be screens separating us like normal" Delirious said. Ohm sighed.

"Yeah. I'm just happy that I finally got to meet you in person. Despite your condition" Ohm said pulling away from the hug.

"Well I'll let you know that your not my first" Delirious said.

"Not your first?" Ohm questioned.

"Yeah. CaRtOoNz knows about my condition and is usually the one who helps me with my condition" Delirious said. Ohm blushed and looked away.

"So you and CaRtOoNz are together?" Ohm asked.

"No not exactly. I'm not ready for a relationship. Besides he's usually busy so I try to get him whenever I can" Delirious said. The car then pulled up at the driveway.

"Well I guess this is goodbye Delirious" Ohm said.

"Yeah for now. Who knows when I want to have another sleepover again Ohm~" Delirious cooed. Ohm blushed and then there was a knock at the door. Ohm opened it to see CaRtOoNz.

"Hey you're back! I heard about the car" Ohm said.

"Yeah. LA is fucking great to fixing cars" CaRtOoNz said.

"Alright well I'll help Delirious put his stuff in the car" Ohm said.

"That'd be great. Thanks Ohm" CaRtOoNz said.

"No problem" Ohm said. He put in the boxes while Delirious put in his suitcases. They shut the booth and then Delirious got in the car.

"Well I guess this is farewell Ohmwrecker" CaRtOoNz said holding out his hand.

"Yes. Until we meet in person again, or until our next recording session. I bid you farewell" Ohm said taking CaRtOoNz's hand and shaking it. CaRtOoNz chuckled and he backed out of the driveway and drove off.

Ohm went back inside and realised that he had to clean the sheets from the bed that Delirious was on and he started doing that. Goddamn I'd never thought this was ever going to happen in my life. Ohm thought.

Sup! Sorry for the long wait! School caught up to me with assessments so I was focusing on finishing them. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed this OneShot!

Request anything if you want because I still got a bit of writers block. Peace out my Devils! ✌🏻️word count: 1051

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