Chapter Five/Zealae IV

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At Zealae IV (they are talking their language, not English)

''My master, we lost Nahili'' The warrior spoke in front of his master's throne. ''What?!'' The master shouted, standing up. ''The god killed him, he is on Earth'' The warrior said once again and moved away as his master approached. ''He was the best warrior among the army, you will exchange him M'hal'' The master spoke and the warrior stood up.

''My lord!'' A shout was heard from the door way. ''What?'' The  master hissed and walked towards a warrior that was on a doorway. ''The god, he is keeping Nahili, as a snake'' The warrior spoke and knee-led.

The master growled and then spoke, ''Retrieve Nahili, M'hal, and make sure the god wont be capturing any of us again'' The master said with a smirk and M'hal bowed his head before leaving.

**** (English spoken below)

Gemstone looked outside of his room and saw it was still dark, he still couldn't fall asleep so he thought of waking up someone. He sighed and got in a denim jacket before turning some lights on. His room was with white walls and soft cream carpet, he had single person bed by the window, he had two nightstands on each side of his bed and he had a sofa along with a work table and two chairs, with a laptop on it. ''Wait, what if I can find out about that specie?'' He questioned himself and turned back, throwing the denim jacket off. He walked to his work table and sat down, opening his laptop.

It didn't take more than a minute for laptop to turn on. Gemstone searched the web and then typed for the specie, he jolted back from his chair as he read about them, he quickly shut down his laptop and breathed heavily. ''Bad idea'' He whispered and walked to his bed. He walked to the door and exited the room which led him to the living room. He looked around and saw nothing interesting and then turned back to sleep.

Crystalline sighed as she looked at the ceiling from the bed. She still didn't trust Dash Knight, he was Chris' friend, but he was suspicious to her. She looked around her and saw Chris nowhere. She groaned and stood up tucking her hair behind her ears. ''Can't he ever sleep?'' She muttered annoyed by his actions. She threw a frock coat over her nightie and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face and then dried it with a towel.

She walked out of the bedroom and walked to the living room, seeing Chris with his laptop. He smiled as he turned around to her, ''Hello, what are you doing up?''. ''No Chris, what are you doing?'' She asked in anxiety. ''I am sorry Crystal, I have to work on this it is very important'' Chris explained, referring to the Elassi. ''I know it is important, but give yourself a rest please, come on, finish that in morning'' Crystalline spoke tiredly and dragged him out of the chair. She turned away and he smirked, grabbing the laptop so she couldn't see. ''See, now you sleep'' Crystalline ordered playfully and he nodded as he lied down besides her. ''Good-night'' She whispered, pecking his cheek. He smiled and returned a small kiss, ''Good-night darling''. She chuckled before turning away to sleep. Chris sighed in relief as he took the laptop he put on the nightstand, without her seeing. He illuminated himself to make the light which he will use for the laptop.

He searched for Elassi and found out something that surprised him. He just found out that someone he knows has contact with them, or at least will have. He frowned and sighed, closing the web. He searched for something more quietly and looked at it. He saw a map of someone approaching Earth, it was one of them, coming to get someone who will have contact with Elassi.

''Damn it'' He muttered and shut down the computer, placing it on the nightstand. He looked outside the window and saw it was getting lighter. He placed his hands under his head and lied back-down. He looked at the ceiling, he wasn't able to sleep since his parents died.

He sighed once again and turned to his side, finding a comfortable pose to rest on. He couldn't find any so he stayed with looking up.


It was early dawn. Angus groaned slightly as a wave of coldness hit him. He jumped out of his bed, already wearing black jeans, brown leather lace-up boots and the only thing he was missing was a shirt.  He walked to the wardrobe and took a white polo shirt along with a  pale blue collar shirt. He buttoned it up and walked to his workplace. He  walked to the living room and grabbed a leather black computer bag. He opened it and threw his black laptop inside, not just a laptop, it had energy of the supercomputer Avalanche.

He sighed and got some files inside, along with his phone. ''Wait a second...'' He muttered and took the phone, searching for calls menu. He found Chris' number and quickly dialed him. He waited for the answer he got soon.

''What do you need Angus?'' Chris' voice was heard from the other side.

''Meeting at ten o'clock AM, Huston Restaurant'' It was all Angus said before ending the call. He sighed and walked to the exit of his apartment. He got out and walked downstairs before reaching the exit of the building.

He walked out and realized his clothing wasn't the best for the wind that was blowing. He shrugged and walked to his car, a red Ferrari SUV. He sighed as the wind blew through his shirt. He opened the car's door and got inside, closing the door after him.

He started the engine and it roared in life. Angus buckled up and steered the car out of the parking lot. He drove out on the open street and slowed down as he saw the big row of cars.

''Well, fu*k it'' He darned quietly and then took his phone. He dialed Chris and then got a quick response. ''I'm driving, what now?'' He responded annoyed. ''Sorry Chris, just to inform you that I might be coming later, there is a little jam here'' Angus spoke with annoyed look on his face. ''Eh, fine we will wait you here, try hurrying'' Chris joked and hung up.

Angus shook his head and moved along with other cars. ''I am sick of this!'' He growled and passed on the other track. Cars honked and he only chuckled while driving peacefully. He made it to the end of the big row soon enough and passed on the normal track. ''Sorry'' He muttered and smirked slightly.

After half an hour he made it to the said place, he saw a GMC Acadia, he knew the car. He parked his Ferrari near Chris' car and then walked out. He grabbed the computer bag and walked in the restaurant. He looked around, already catching Chris. He smiled weakly and walked to him. ''Took you long enough'' Chris joked and patted his shoulder.

They both sat somewhere and started to talk. ''Last night, I searched for Elassi and I just realized that one person I know is going to interact with them, I also found out that one is coming here, or already is here'' Chris spoke and Angus frowned looking away. He suddenly coughed harshly, scratching his throat. He frowned as he felt the blood on his lip. He looked at his hand and realized it was there too. ''You alright?'' Chris asked and Angus nodded with a hum before wiping his hand.

They continued talking and after they were done. ''Well, thats it, see you sometime later Angus'' Chris said and got in his car, driving away. Angus smiled slightly and before he could get in his car he was knocked out.

   Here is the chapter five, I gained a lot of reads for short time and I have quick updates, thanks to you lovelies, well here's the shout out to 




along with    Shiny_Coat17

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—Dakota Hambry

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