Chapter 13/Ghost City

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5 days later

Angus was on a recovery. Though, the poison was still spreading. There was something they had to find before Elassi do.

Terrance, Chris and Angus met up in a cafe to talk about it. ''Where is it?'' Angus asked and Chris sighed. They were all referring to an object that can make a powerful weapon, hidden somewhere on Earth long time ago. ''It is in one abandoned ghost city, in Alabama'' Terrance answered and Angus sighed. Always me to go, he thought.

''It is not literally there'' Terrance added. ''Then how it is if not literally?'' Angus asked, frowning.

''On that place is one of the clues about where the object is, and you will be supposed to find it'' Chris spoke and Angus nodded slightly. ''I suggest you move now'' Terrance said and Angus nodded standing up. ''Well, I will use teleport from here'' Angus spoke and sighed nervously. ''Stay safe and good luck'' Chris said and patted his shoulder. ''Thanks friend'' Angus spoke, giving him a warm smile before teleporting away.

He appeared in an abandoned city. It was covered in snow and had crashed buildings and no signs of life there.

Angus narrowed his eyes and took the GPS. He scanned around and saw there was a cross street forward. He started moving, though it was cold.

He didn't have much clothes to protect him form the snow if it walls, a black collar t-shirt, slim jeans and black military boots. The boots would be useful, the snow was reaching very high for anything else.

He walked few more blocks and found the cross street, the city was big. He took his scanner and pointed it around, though it didn't show anything. ''Damn it'' He cursed under his breath and tried fixing the sensor.

In meantime the snow started to fall, hardly. He cursed the sensor and then left it, trying to navigate with the GPS, but it wouldn't help him with the clue.

The snow was gaining every second, and it was getting even more cold. Angus felt a wave of coolness pass through his body. He shivered for a second as his body tensed. He coughed again and breathed out as he saw the blood on his hand, then down on the snow. He coughed again, spitting the blood out of his mouth.

''Awful'' He spoke and felt his jaw shiver a little. He knew what is happening.

He sighed and then his whole body shivered slightly. The illness.

Minutes and hours passed, he was helpless there.

The fever caught over his body. He scarcely walked to one square building and groaned, sitting down to the wall. He folded his arms and shivered, by every second the pain was taking over and he wouldn't be able to fight it much longer.

He tried relaxing his body, which only led him to coughing blood. He sighed and stood up weakly. He started to move and then looked at his GPS. It seemed like it located the clue. He moved forward, whipped by the blizzard.

He suddenly felt much pain in his rib area. He choked on blood and fell on the ground weakly.

His hands bled as he grabbed the frozen snow from the concrete. The blood made it's way to the corner of his lips. He wiped it away, leaving the trace. He scarcely  stood up and walked to one building. He crashed next to the wall and panted heavily. The pain wouldn't give in until he didn't, which meant sending himself in hibernation. He wouldn't do that soever the pain was strongest in the world.

He tensed his muscles and extended one of his legs, leaving the other one to his chest.

He slowly closed his eyes as the blizzard got stronger. He suddenly heard footsteps. He quickly opened his eyes and looked up. In front of him was a girl, in her 19. She had wavy black, a little sunken cheeks, high cheek-bone, dense arched eyebrows, pale green eyes and mid-light skin. ''You are in bad condition, please come with me'' She spoke, her voice gentle and calm. She reached her hand out and Angus narrowed his eyes. He looked at her hand and grabbed it hesitantly. She pulled him up gently and he sighed.

''I will get you to my home and help you there'' She spoke and walked away from the building. She was dressed fairly for the weather, she had skinny jeans, high heel leather boots, and a collar blouse. She also had a cloak over her body.

After few minutes they reached a house, it was surrounded by a tall concrete fence and had a wooden gate, the house looked old and from earlier times.

The girl pushed the gate and entered the yard, which was only snow right now. Angus entered after her and she closed the gate then moved under thew porch of the house. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. The house interior was warm, compared to the outside. It was old and dusty inside, but looked like a comfortable home.

 It was old and dusty inside, but looked like a comfortable home

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The fireplace was ignited, spreading heat around the room. ''Sit please'' She said calmly and he sat on a red chair, making a smart-lean pose. ''My name is Dianne, you must be Angus?'' She spoke and he nodded. He felt something about the girl, but couldn't tell what.

He was still shivering and cold. His body tensed and he coughed the blood out. Dianne reacted on that quickly and stood up. She walked to him with a soft cloth and wiped the blood away. ''There, what happened to you?'' Dianne asked and he sighed, not knowing should he tell. ''I know what you are thinking, I am not a human'' She spoke and he groaned in pain as his vision faded a little. ''Caught in a Dragon's fever'' He finally spoke and she gasped quietly. ''That is one of most dangerous illnesses on my planet'' Dianne spoke and he sighed sadly.

''What are you doing here?'' She asked and sat on the floor next to him. ''I was looking for some clues, nothing much'' He spoke and rested his head back. ''You are very poisoned, aren't you?'' She asked calmly and he nodded weakly.

''Rest please, you need to'' She spoke and stood up, grabbing his arm gently. She pulled him up and he smiled slightly. ''Rest there'' She said and he lied down on a cream sofa. He slowly closed his eyes and slipped to a rest.

Dianne watched him for few minutes and then smiled, walking off.

Hope you liked. Please don't be shy to comment darlings.






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