Chapter Nine/Fight

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New York, US: 12:00 MIDNIGHT

Chris groaned slightly as he heard his doorbell ring. ''Oh my...'' He muttered, standing up. He took a black snap shirt and buttoned it all the way up before he reached the door. He opened them and for his surprise saw Angus. ''What. The. Hell. Are you doing here in middle of the night?'' Chris spoke in pauses. ''I am sorry, but there is someone waiting for us in Atlanta, urgent or they are coming here'' Angus spoke, leaning on the door-way. ''Ah. Coming in five minutes'' Chris spoke and Angus nodded as the door was slammed in front of his face.

Chris walked in his bedroom, careful not to wake up Crystalline. A sphere of purple energy appeared around his body, it was gone in a second after that. He was wearing a slim black jeans, combat boots and a black snap shirt with a steel gray trench coat. He sighed and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door after him. He unlocked his apartment and walked outside. Angus was waiting for him patiently, leaned on the wall.

''So, you got no problems since you left?'' Chris questioned and Angus nodded slightly. ''Yeah, just a bit of blood coughing'' He spoke as them two got downstairs. They made few rounds till the ground floor, not eager using the elevator.

''Teleport?'' Chris questioned and Angus nodded, pressing his shoulder. They appeared in Atlanta, it was night. ''Watch it'' Chris growled as a woman passed by, hitting him. ''Okay, now they are in the center'' Angus said with a chuckle.

They walked to the pavement and continued to the city. ''Didn't visit this place for a while'' Angus spoke and Chris nodded in agreement, ''Me neither''. They entered the city and curved to one corner from the road they gone. They made it to a mill street which was abandoned by cars. ''Armed?'' Angus asked and Chris nodded, revealing the Dragon's Breath dagger.  Angus smiled and they continued walking until they got to five persons who were covered in capes.

''Took you more that expected, god'' One of them spat out, walking forward. ''What do you want and who are you?'' Chris asked nervously, relaxing one of his legs. ''I am Vulcrell'' One of them said, and they all revealed their selves, Elassi. ''Take them down'' Vulcrell ordered and each of the Elassi walked to them. They took Angus to the ground and Chris was still struggling, on his knees. ''You are different then the god'' The Elassi spoke in screeching voice. ''Maybe because I have a knife and he doesn't'' Chris breathed out and stabbed the dagger in the Elassi's waist. He quickly stood up, throwing the dead body away. ''Kill him!'' Vulcrell ordered and moved away, alike a coward.

Chris smirked and jumped, then threw the dagger at Vulcrell's arm while he was in mid air. He walked to the master and kicked him, letting him fall to the ground. He took the dagger and helped Angus with the rest. ''You will pay for this!'' Vulcrell yelled angrily and then took a blaster. He locked it and shot.

Everything was in slow motion. Why?

It stopped and Chris was suddenly threw back by something. He grunted as he was in the mid air. He soon landed on the cold asphalt. He passed out soon enough. Vulcrell laughed evilly and disappeared along with other Elassi.

''Chris!'' Angus shouted, running to the said person. He knee-led next to him and looked at the shot-wound on his chest, it was bleeding and looked bad. ''Damn it'' Angus muttered and sighed, not knowing what to do. He lifted Chris' body a little and unbuttoned his shirt. He whispered something in un-human language as a medical kit appeared next to him.

He took the needed tools and tried fixing the wound. ''Drop it'' A voice was heard behind Angus. He swallowed and dropped the tool kit, lifting his hands in the air.

In few seconds he appeared on a totally different place, he passed out.


Angus woke up and realized he was in a cave. He tried moving his hands, but he was cuffed to the stony wall. He groaned and looked around him, seeing Chris. ''Ah damn'' He spoke. ''No worries, I am wake'' Chris's voice echoed through the dark cave. ''Thank god you are'' Angus spoke, worry leaving his tone. ''What happened?'' Chris asked, a little confused. ''You were shot, I was trying to help you, but then we appeared here'' Angus explained and Chris nodded.

He looked in front of him and saw the light get in the cave. Two Elassi walked inside, each holding a spear. ''Up'' He ordered and Angus chuckled. ''We are cuffed, idiot'' Angus spoke, whispering the last words. The Elassi UN-cuffed them and yanked them upwards. Chris groaned as they led them out of the cave, to a big hallway that was illuminated with fire torches.

They soon made it to a wide hall, very familiar to Angus. ''Oh no'' He muttered and then was pushed to his knees along with Chris. They shared glances and looked at a throne in front of them. ''You dared to kill three Elassi!'' Vulcrell's voice echoed in anger. ''Yes, in self-defense'' Chris said weakly. ''Quiet!'' The master ordered and Chris chuckled.

''You are sued to death!'' He yelled and many Elassi around yelled in their language. ''Hell we are'' Chris muttered and then was grabbed. The Elassi led them away to another hall that had a a stony fence, separating the crowd from the center. There were also stairs that led to a bit higher ground.

''Move'' The Elassi ordered, pushing Angus to the stairs. He stood on top and then he was down on his knees. He groaned and looked around him. A guard/Elassi held his hands back and then took a knife. ''Yahs khar tuask'' He spoke in a language that was foreign to Angus. The crowd repeated the same words and then the guard took a dagger, drawing it to Angus' throat.

He slowly pressed it and it pierced his skin. He groaned and then back-punched the guard with his elbow. The one hissed and then grabbed Angus, throwing him away. He smirked mockingly and then Chris was took. The guard led him to the same place and pushed him to his knees. ''Hya jesk uhar?'' The guard spoke in their language.''Khar!'' The crowd yelled and the guard grabbed a sharp spear.

Angus watched what happened next, he couldn't react, he was being held tightly. The guard lifted the spear and stabbed it right through Chris' back. The guard threw him to the ground, he was motionless and all signs of his life were gone.  The blood spilled down the stairs and flowed further. ''Chris!'' Angus shouted, his eyes filled with horror of watching what just happened.

He pushed the guards away and then teleported somewhere.


*cries* I-I hope you enjoyed *sniff* the chapter. I did enjoy *sniff* writing it. Though *sob* it was very sad.

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Thank you all for so much reads *sob*.

Amazing thanks to   Pringletjie     KatherineLange_ 

and    Shiny_Coat17

please check *sniff, sob cry*

Please check their profiles!


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