Chapter 14/Know How It Feels

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Guys! Forgive me for long waiting! Please don't kill me.                        |

Enjoy the rest of the chapter :)                                                                         |


''Thanks Dianne, I should go now'' Angus spoke kindly and the said girl smiled. ''You are welcome any time Angus, you know where I live'' Dianne said and walked him to the exit. ''Thanks again, see you sometime again maybe'' The god said and she smiled, nodding before she walked back in the house.

Angus smirked slightly and teleported away. He was face to face with Terrance and Chris, New York street. ''Hello Angus, did you get the clue?'' Terrance jumped in. Angus sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Chris relaxed his one leg at the knee and folded his arms. ''No, I was caught in a snowstorm'' Angus said firmly. ''You didn't bring the clue?!'' Terrance screeched and Angus sighed. ''How could you be so irresponsible Angus, that was important'' Chris spoke with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

Angus' eyes narrowed and flickered red. ''Don't dare talk to me that way'' Angus growled and grabbed Chris by his neck, throwing him to the nearby wall. He growled and teleported away. Chris winced in pain and stood up. ''You fine?'' Terrance asked, not eager to come and help. ''Sure'' Chris muttered and wiped some blood from his lips. ''Whatever happens, he is helping himself'' Chris said and walked to his car. Terrance shrugged and walked behind the corner, disappearing in the crowded pavement.


''What did he do to you?'' Crystalline asked and Chris sighed, entering the apartment fully. ''Nothing, it's fine'' Chris spoke and Crystalline shook her head. ''You have to be careful Chris, you know he can switch sides any time'' Crystalline spoke, giving him a quick kiss. He returned it lightly and hugged her. She rubbed his back and he winced slightly as she reached his flank ''Chris?'' Crystalline pressed his flank once again and he moved away, wincing slightly. ''Come'' She ordered in firm tone. He sighed and followed her to the living room.

''Sit down, please'' She said with a soft smile. He shook his head and sat down. She cleared her throat and folded her arms. ''Ah'' Chris breathed out before taking his shirt off. Crystalline chuckled and walked to him. His flank was bruised and had a fair cut.

''Bad Angus, bad, bad Angus'' Crystalline spoke and walked to a white shelf. Chris chuckled and she took some liquids. She walked back to him and put the liquid on the tip of her fingers. She slowly started rubbing his flank until he sighed, relaxing his head back. ''Rest, I have to pick Gemstone'' Crystalline said and left a kiss on his lips before walking away. Chris chuckled, sitting smart lean pose.


Angus sighed as he walked through the busy street, he looked left and right for cars and then passed to the other side, making his way to a boulevard. As he turned around, he was hit in his temple, passing out soon.





He woke up on an unfamiliar place. He looked around, his head was spinning and he felt dizzy. He was tied with chains, not to the wall, to the roof.

Though, he wasn't hanging which was good for him. He saw a creature enter the chamber. It was really weird and tall, twice his size. It was skinny, had round head with some spikes on it's neck, it was all pink and skin-made, had black color shown somewhere and had long arms with even longer claws.

''How ugly can you get?'' Angus asked firmly. The creature hissed and in a flash, appeared in front of him. It swung it's arm, scratching Angus' face. He groaned slightly and moved his head straight. ''Give us Knight Planet!'' The creature hissed and Angus sighed in annoyance.

''Again? Got any better questions please?'' Angus joked and the creature hissed, scratching his chest. Angus realized he was being in a critical situation, and he had no shirt on, bringing himself more damage. He frowned and tried letting loose, though it was worthless.

The creature roared in his face and hit his jaw. Angus sighed and moved his jaw, seeing is it okay. ''Give me the planet!'' The creature spoke and Angus chuckled slightly. ''Once you move it with your own hands, I will'' Angus spoke and chuckled. The creature was fooled.

He made some weird sounds and in the room came more weird things. They were very big, had dark skin and spikes all the way down their spine, they had long tails which also had spikes, and big pointy ears on their long heads. They had fangs sticking out of their snout and had long arms and strong legs.

The pink creature growled and gestured his head for the other things to move. The walked towards Angus and he raised his eyebrow. ''What do you want, ugly?'' He spoke and the creature roared in his face. The god jerked back and looked the creature with a disgusted face.

''Give me the planet and I will let you go!'' The pink creature roared and Angus kept quiet. ''Make him speak, I will come back when he does'' The creature said and disappeared from the chamber. The other things growled and laughed evilly, the strongest one holding a long vine-like thingy.

Angus inhaled sharply and monitored every move of the creature. ''Give him the planet!'' He spoke, his tone was bass*.

*The lowest (deepest) male tone.

Angus still kept quiet. The creature growled and lifted the vine thing, swishing it against Angus' back. He screamed in pain and breathed heavily as the creatures laughed. He whimpered slightly as the blood tickled his back. ''Eager to speak, god!'' The huge monster spat and Angus sighed, keeping quiet. The monster chuckled evilly again and lifted the vine thing again, hitting his back. Angus screamed in pain once again, baritone filling his voice. It was a deep toned scream, one expressing pain.

The action repeated more than once, each time more painful.

Hours passed and he didn't say a word, only deep screams escaped his mouth. ''He is worthless!'' The pink monster spoke and swished his neck last time, earning another scream.

Angus panted heavily as he was untied from the chain,  falling to the ground. He was quickly teleported away. He was in New York, on a boulevard. No people or car were there.

Blood dripped from his lips as he crawled to a concrete wall of one abandoned house. He coughed, losing some blood. The sun that was hitting him was suddenly blocked. He looked up, seeing Chris. His expression was reading anger, in same time grief and many else emotions.

He didn't bother helping him.  ''Now you know how it feels'' Chris spoke quietly before leaving Angus on his own.

Angus winced in pain and leaned to the cold concrete wall. He was surprised he didn't help him, he saved his life in some ways and now he just left him. Though, he got the point in the words he said.

Please tell me you enjoyed it, haha. Took some effort xD

I really am sorry for long wait, but there it was. It is really amazing story for my opinion and I love writing it.






All love,


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