Chapter 17/Bad Encounter

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Angus moaned slightly and looked around him, there weren't just lights around him, it was sun. He blinked multiple times, adapting his eyes to the light. He stood up and looked at the window of the ship. He saw a big meadow the ship was landed at, around it were a lot of houses, strange looking.

He sighed and looked around. He walked to a wardrobe and pressed a button on it (it was metal). The door slid open, revealing what he wanted inside.

He sighed as a holographic light passed through the wardrobe. Again, a sphere formed around his body. It disappeared as the wardrobe closed.

Angus wore black slim jeans, nearly knee-high combat boots and a navy blue collar shirt. He smiled and ran a hand through his hair, clearing it out of his face.


In few minutes he was out of the ship along with Terrance and Chris.

What greeted them outside was nice: sun and a bit of humidity, though nobody minded it.

Angus looked around, he felt a bit of suspicion about this place. ''Don't you think it's weird?'' Chris said as his eyes narrowed, looking around the modern houses of the Elassi's sub-specie, Nilrizi. ''I don't think Elassi would be so polite, nor their sub-specie'' Angus answered back and Terrance nodded. They slowly headed towards one of the houses.

Suddenly, Angus felt a tight grip on his wrist. He yanked around in surprise and saw a figure of an Elassi. Before he could react, he felt something cold cut his face. He groaned in pain, realizing it was a whip. ''Get them'' The Elassi spoke roughly. The Elassi caught Chris and Terrance, pushing them both on the ground.

''We need to talk'' The Elassi spoke and Angus groaned as he jerked him away.


An hour passed, they found themselves in a cave. It was illuminated red because of the fire torches, they were a lot of Elassi and Nilrizi. They led them across one thin path, the way down was an endless abyss. Angus looked down and then was pushed further by the Elassi.

After few minutes, they reached one flat place where were more guards and else. ''You know what we want, just give it to us'' The Elassi, Vulcrell, spoke. ''Actually, what you want again?'' Chris jumped in. The guard took a whip and gripped it tightly. Chris got the point and shut up.

There was a stony wall behind them. One of the guards took Angus and handcuffed him to the wall. He groaned, it was low enough for him to be on his knees. ''Give us Knight Planet, and we will leave Earth alone'' Vulcrell spoke, pacing around. ''Otherwise?'' Angus gave him a questioning look and sighed. ''Otherwise we will conquer it!'' Vulcrell shouted angrily and swung the whip across his chest.

Angus screamed in pain and panted heavily, his shirt ripped off. ''He will be tortured until he doesn't give us the planet'' Vulcrell spoke, ''Take them away!''. The guards grabbed Terrance and Chris, taking them away. They both tried resisting, which only caused damage.

The guards left, leaving Vulcrell and Angus alone.

''I will not give you Knight Planet, you can do whatever you want, the planet is MINE and only MINE!'' Angus had a lot of courage to yell at the Elassi lord. Vulcrell stepped back in surprise and frowned. ''Take him away, bring the other one'' Vulcrell spoke angrily, un-cuffing the god. He grinned as they took him away, placing Chris on his place.

He whistled, looking around. ''Well, you could use some electricity'' He joked. Vulcrell frowned and ran a whip over his neck. Though, it was superficially. Chris groaned in pain and let out a chuckle. ''What a dumb weapon, is there anything better you can use?'' Chris answered back and breathed heavily. He looked at the blood that tickled him, sliding down his shoulder.

''Give me Knight Planet!'' Vulcrell spoke and swung the whip over his neck again. He screamed in pain and groaned, watching as the blood dripped from him. ''You heard Angus, it's not mine to give'' Chris fooled the lord. Vulcrell dropped the whip and grabbed Chris by his neck. He winced in pain and swallowed. Vulcrell growled at him angrily and gripped his neck tighter.

Chris grinned at his face evilly, making the lord flinch away. ''Hey, look out!'' Chris shouted and Vulcrell turned around. Chris smirked and grabbed a dagger beside him, stabbing it in the lord's chest. Vulcrell groaned and Chris pushed him off. ''Now, please get the fu*k away from me'' Chris spoke and ripped off the hand cuffs. He groaned in pain and leaned on the wall.

The dizziness took control over him. He shook his head and saw Angus and Terrance. ''You are alright?'' Angus asked and walked to Chris. ''I am okay'' Chris spoke calmly and looked at Angus' injuries. ''Yours look worse, we should fix them immediately'' Chris spoke in a rush. ''No it doesn't m-'' Angus started. ''Yes, it does matter'' Chris spoke before he could finish.

After some time they exited the cave. They were on a random glade. It was very hot and sunny.

Angus' wound burned. He groaned in pain and slowly sat on the grass. ''You need a rest'' Chris spoke and sat nearby along with Terrance. Angus groaned slightly and lied down. He breathed in and out. ''You killed Vulcrell'' Chris noted and Angus nodded slightly. ''If they find you, they are going to kill you'' Chris spoke as his eyes narrowed. ''I am immortal'' Angus stated with a smirk. ''Don't hope so much boy'' Chris warned and gave him a wink before standing up.

''I sometimes cant stand your attitude Chris'' Angus said and stood up. They all started walking off.

''I feel the same with yours'' Chris spoke and threw a glance to Angus. He chuckled and shook his head. The continued walking and approached one thinly forest, the other side of the glade could be seen, though mostly was seen the sky behind the forest, they couldn't see so much.

''Lets get inside'' Terrance spoke and they walked further, agreeing.

Angus turned around shortly.

What he saw left him thunderstruck...


I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thanks a million for reading.

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Dakota Hambry

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