Chapter Six/Lunara

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Name (Earth): Lunara

Name (Un-Earth): Lunara

Born on (fake): February 12, 1988, London, England, UK

Born on (true): Date: February 12 (as decided);  Planet of birth/creation: Terridine X-C.

Appearance: Wavy black hair reaching mid-back, oblong face, hazel eyes, very high arched brows, smooth skin, fit body.

Love interests: Dash Knight (Angus)


Angus woke up with a groan. He looked around him to realize he was no longer on Earth. It was a palace, it was dark and it had water and blood dripping off everywhere. All of sudden, an Elassi appeared in front of him. Angus tried to move though his hands were cuffed to the wall above his head, he just realized he had no shirt on him. He growled and looked at the figure in front of him.

''You give us back our warrior and we will set you free, where is he?'' The Elassi, also known as their master, spoke. ''Why are you trying to kill humans?'' Angus switched the subject and the master growled.

''Now, tell me where is he'' He spoke again with  a growl. ''No'' Angus snapped and the master smirked, sending a wave of electricity through the hand cuffs. Angus groaned in pain as the shock was sent through his body. ''Still not telling'' Angus joked and breathed out a chuckle. ''Worthless god!'' The master spoke at which Angus frowned. Another wave of electricity was sent through him, this time stronger. Angus groaned and his body went limp, his knees nearly touching the ground.

''Vulcrell, leave him to me'' A feminine voice was heard. ''Better make yourself useful, female'' The master 'Vulcrell' spoke. He left and on his place came a female, she had her face covered with a cape. She dropped it, revealing her familiar self. ''Lunara'' Angus growled through his gritted teeth.

''Good guessing, boy'' She teased and walked closer to him. ''You are working for them?'' He asked and she chuckled with sly tone. ''I believe they need an information, why wont you give it to them and be free?'' She asked and leaned on him slightly. ''What are you doing?'' He asked as she breathed in his neck. ''Get off me Lunara'' Angus warned and her lips brushed against his neck. She caressed his smooth torso and then his lap, though he didn't like it. ''Stop that'' He spoke, she knew he didn't like it, yet it was her useful action to get an information.

He groaned as she slowly kissed his neck. ''Lunara'' He growled and she chuckled, repeating the action down to his collar bone. ''You don't like it?'' She teased and he groaned in pain as she bit his neck playfully. ''Please stop'' He spoke weakly and she only chuckled doing the same thing. He groaned in pain as she pressed her lips harder.

''Always your weak spot, Angus'' Lunara whispered and he groaned as she kissed his lips, on force. ''Not only mine, try Oliver and you wont last five minutes alive'' Angus growled out and she held his head, pulling him into a kiss. ''Lunara, stop it'' Angus breathed out and she chuckled, kissing his neck harder.

''Lunara, stop now'' Angus barely spoke out and she kissed his neck again. It was a lot painful to him, and she knew it. ''Once you learn to like it, I will'' Lunara whispered and kissed his jawline. ''Never'' He growled and tilted his head to side as she kissed him.

She UN-cuffed his hands and held him. He tried pushing her off, but was currently too weak. She pinned him to the wall harshly. She kissed him once again and he groaned in pain. ''Please stop it'' He let out a slight whimper as she bit him playfully. ''I told you when I will'' She spoke and played with his lips. She kissed his neck harshly, then let him fall to the floor. He groaned in pain as blood came from his mouth. She chuckled evilly and kissed his neck once again. He breathed heavily as blood dripped off his lips. He felt the taste of iron and coughed, letting the blood fall on his hand. ''Angus, you are ill'' Lunara teased and kissed his neck harshly. He breathed heavily and groaned in pain.

She took him by his neck and pinned him to the wall. He choked on his own blood and then coughed it out. ''Let me go'' He barely whispered and breathed in pain. ''Give me the information and I will'' She whispered to his ear and kissed his jawline. ''I wont'' He refused and she chuckled and pressed his neck to the wall. He coughed some blood and groaned in pain as she tightened her grip.

She took a device that looked like a small panel, though it had few metal spikes. ''Now, speak out lad'' She ordered and held the device to his neck. He knew it sent electricity, but he couldn't tell her about Nahili. ''No'' He spoke weakly and panted heavily. ''Then I will have to do this'' She spoke and he frowned. She pressed the metal spikes to his neck and sent electricity through. He screamed in pain and then passed out from all of the torture.


As he woke up, he found himself in his apartment. He looked on himself, he was wearing a shirt now. He looked around him and saw Chris. ''What are you doing here Chris?'' Angus asked with some trouble and then coughed some blood. ''Angus, you are very ill'' Chris spoke and placed his hand on his shoulder. ''It doesn't matter'' He spoke quietly and tilted his head.

''What did she do to you?'' Chris asked and Angus frowned to his words. ''Nothing'' Angus responded weakly as all his energy was drained. ''I know she did something, please tell me'' Chris insisted and Angus sighed moving his head away, there were few bite marks on his neck. Chris understood what is it and lowered his head.

''I am sorry Angus, I really am'' He spoke calmly and Angus smiled. ''Once you were stabbed with that knife, a poison was sent to your body, I suggest you stay calm for some time'' Chris spoke and smiled weakly at the injured god. ''Now, please let me help you'' Chris spoke standing up. He took a small peace of cloth that was dipped in something green. ''It will sting, but it will help you Angus'' Chris said and slowly rubbed his neck with the cloth. He winced in pain and moved his head to side. ''Easy'' Chris said in a soothing tone as he placed the cloth around his lips, wiping the blood away. ''That's it, you will be fine'' Chris said, patting his shoulder.

Angus stood up and sighed, feeling dizzy and weak. ''Thank you Chris'' Angus spoke and gave him a friendly hug. Chris gladly returned it and pulled away. ''About that blood, we will discuss when you are better'' Chris spoke and walked to the exit. Angus followed him and Chris smiled, walking out of his apartment.

Angus walked to his room and entered his bathroom. He turned the warm water in the sink and washed the blood off his face. He winced in pain as he pressed his neck. He walked back to his bedroom and slowly lied down in the bed.

   A little more cruel chapter, I am sorry if you didn't like it, but there is MATURE WARNING.

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                        Love you all,

—Dakota Hambry.

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