Girls with Vodka

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I was lying peacefully in bed (like one does) when I got a phonecall.

Groaning I picked it up.

"What?" I spat

"Gooood morning sunshine."

"Damn it Harry I thought you weren't going to wake me up unless it was COMPLETELY necessary," I grumbled.

"Oh but it is mate" he chuckled

"Go on then, what is it?"

"Louis called. You have to pick up 'the stuff'"

Louis was basically like the team leader. He kept us in line but made everything fun at the same time. We've been working together for almost a decade.

"Same place?

"Yeah, 42nd on Cambridge"

I hung up after we said our goodbye's and quickly put on the pair of jeans I'd left on the floor and a hoodie and left my apartment.

Walking quickly I soon faced the tall cathedral-like building. I'd been to this place many times as a child, in fact it was more like church if anything.

"Hello Niall. Have you come for the stuff? Louis called in advance. you know which room right?" the librarian asked.

"Course. Thanks Catherine" I smiled.

Louis had sent me here to check the archives for an old case and to get some money out of the safe.

the Agency uses this library as a sort of trading Post with our American allies. It's completely unsuspected by our enemies.

I walked over nearing the 3rd conference room on the left.

Crash! thud! "Fucking aid!"cursed a strange voice from inside. definitely not Irish, or British for that manner.

Quietly I pulled out the gun from my holster. if this was an intrude from an enemy territory I'd have to protect the files and money inside.

" Freeze, M16!" I said getting ready to pull the trigger if needed, but the girl in the room was already holding me at gunpoint right near the neck.

"What the actual fuck.." how did she do that so quickly?!

"What are you doing in this room? Who do you work for?" she demanded.

"Agent Niall Horan m16 Task Force Operations unit. I came to check out one of the archives. Tomlinson sent me. Lower your weapon and tell me who you are and who you work for."

She smirked and took the gun away from my neck.

"Agent Cassidy Bennett of the U.S. FBI Investigation and Operations unit."

Damn. That's impressive. She looked young.

"what are you doing here agent Bennet?"

"Dropping off some documents"

"they couldn't be air lifted?"

"Oh sure," she scoffed playing with something behind her back, "if you wanted some idiot to stumble on them and cause a leak of information then yeah. besides I have some scoping out to do."

"what have you got behind your back?"

"Vodka" she winked while pulling off her seemingly signature smirk.

"Bloody hell. They only sell this shit in America. How did you get it to the UK?"

"I'm American. I have my ways" she winked. "What do you say about going somewhere to polish off this bottle?"

Alright Niall, this is your chance. she's cute and she's asking you to get an early morning start on your drinking.

Right when I was about to reply my phone rang indicating an incoming call. Damn it. Louis

"Hold that thought, love."


"Niall? Where the hell are you! I've been waiting for ages!"

"Yeah I'm great thanks for asking. its a bit chilly out but I'm okay."

"Niall I'm serious mate. I haven't got time for this."

"Right. I'll be there soon lad."

I hung up.

"Can we continue this some other time?"

"Sure." she smiled. Hand me your phone."

She quickly entered her number and returned it to me.

"Call me" she winked and turned to leave but quickly jogged back to me and whispered in my ear while biting her lip, "I'll be waiting."

Fuck yeah! Niall lad, I believe you have a date.


I grabbed my phone and clicked on the 'Work' contact. After the 2nd ring he picked up.

"It's a done deal." I said and hung up.

I hope I don't regret this.

Hiii guys. If you can't tell, this is my first story haha. I really like feedback so if you have any send it my way and I can alter a few things :)

Thank you so much for Reading! xx


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