Disasters and Tempers

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We burst through the doors like literal bad asses while running towards Louis who looked uncomfortable to say the least.

"We've got a breach" he said while looking pale.


"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Ni, really. I wish I could've done more.." he trailed off

"Lou, what are you saying?"

"Her book. The last copy. It's.. sorry mate"

No. This isn't true. I can't..

I sprinted to the door jumping in the car. I was startled as I heard the other car door slam shut.

"Get out." I spat.

She said nothing, simply strapped herself in her seat belt and looked forward.

"Fine" I said, slamming on the gas pedal and flinging us forward in our seats and into the busy London Streets.


Traffic, Of-fucking-course.

I slammed my fists on the steering wheel letting out a load groan.

"Ni, babe calm down. What's going on? why are you so angry? Can I do anything to calm you dow--"

"Nothing you say or do can fix anything now shut the fuck up and sit in that God Damned seat. Fuck." I interrupted.

The left wing of the library was destroyed.

"Oh God, no this can't be happening,"  I rushed to the front door. Catherine was in hysterics.

"I tried Niall. I'm so sorry. I couldn't..I wish.." she trailed.

Now, here's the thing most people don't understand. Cathy is in her mid thirties, but she is lean and fit. She was trained as a 'guardian' for our archives and the book.

I pulled her into a hug, "You couldn't have know Cathy. Would you mind if I took a look?"

She nodded and stepped aside. she turned her head and saw Cassy.

"What is she doing here? Niall get her away from this place, I mean it. You're mother woul--"

"Don't talk about my mother, especially when the only thing I had left of her is gone."

She walked past me and made a point to bump shoulders with Cassy.

I shook my head and walked to the rubble. Pages of books and chunks of wood from all the shelves blanketed the ground.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. The cover had been the only surviving piece.

You see, back before my mom had die-- passed, she had written a book. She was meant to promote it before everything happened, but ultimately it only sold 2 copies in 3 stores in the UK. 1 of which was destroyed. I kept my copy in the Library for safekeeping.

I grabbed the cover, closed my eyes and held it to my chest, "I'm sorry mom. I should've been more careful."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and almost forgot Cassy was there.

"Let's go," I said.

Ni, do you wanna tal-"

"No, now let's go."


"If you're not in that car in the next 30 seconds I'm leaving without you."

She stood in her spot and glared at me as I walked away.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, asshole. I've been nothing but nice to you and you're being an ass."

I ignored her and jammed the key into the car. If she's going to be a stubborn little bitch, I'm not going to stand around and get frustrated.

After I got home I went to the picture in my bathroom and took it down from the wall. I unlocked the safe that was behind the picture and placed the cover of the book inside.

I felt guilty about Cassy. Oh God, Cassy. I'm such an ass.

I grabbed my phone and called Louis.

"Lou, I need you to look up Cassidy's file."

"Why would I do that?"

"Louis please, I don't have time for this just do it and give the address of her hotel."

"Alright, Christ. Looks like its 2 blocks down from your flat, mate. At the London Isle"

wonderful. Going into Enemy-fucking-territory. We had the library but the Italians had a base in Central London to make it harder to plan an attack.

"Great," I muttered, "Thanks mate."

I hung up and grabbed my keys and wallet. I can't just leave things like this. I'm a gentleman..or at least that's what my mom raised me to be.

I'm coming Cassy.

Hi guys. How is everybody? I've been busy lately Volunteering. Sorry for my negligence :( I'm going to upload again tonight...maybe.


QOTD: Has anyone seen TFiOS?! I saw it today and I sobbed. it was so beautiful Comment your review of the movie or the book (Because the book was amazing too) and let me know

bye guys

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