Hide and..On Second Thought Maybe Just Seek.

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  • Dedicated to All you beautiful readers of the Wattpad-esphere

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I called her 6 times, damn it.

Did she seriously just leave? And in the middle of our incredibly steamy session?

In a frustrated fit I hurled the nearest object against a wall.

You want to play games Cassidy? Go ahead, but I'm not going to be here playing as your pawn.

Cassidy's POV

Fuuuuuuuck. He's going to hate me.

"I want to back out, it's not worth it."

"That's not your decision." Boss said.

"Well then take back the money because I'm done."

"You know very well that you need that money, your family needs that money," he reminded me.

"I don't want it if I'm going to hurt Niall. He's a sweet kid, he doesn't need to be hurt."

"If he has the balls he can handle it," he growled.

"I'm not going to do it either wa-"

He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall, restricting my airway.

"You will carry out this mission, Bennett. If you don't, you're only putting yourself at risk. Don't be an idiot."

He let go of my neck and I fell to the ground in a gasping heap.

"Your mother would be ashamed," he spat, "get out of my sight."

I scrambled to my feet and ran back to the floor of my hotel. My boss always called "meetings" in the basement just to scare us, he thought it gave him an edge. That Bastard.

When I got back to the room, I saw a dent in the wall and a broken lamp. Niall, I thought. God, I'm such a bitch. I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick text asking him if we could meet up. He didn't answer. I called his phone, 13 times, and he didn't answer. Why would he answer, you basically just ignored him after you almost had sex, after he went through the embarassment of buying a condom in the gift shop for crying out loud.

I dialed his number once more and sat on the couch hoping and praying he would answer.

"Hello?" he slurred.

Please don't be drinking. Please...

"Niall? Have you been drinking? Where are you? Are you ok?"

"The fucking Empire State Building, where do you think? What are you, a cop?" he sassed.

"No, scratch that because at least when you call the cops, you know they'll be there AND ON TIME TOO." he raged.

Ouch, that one hurt.

"Where are you?" I interrogated.

"The pub."

"I'm going to get you, just...just stay where you are, I mean it."

"Why should I? You didnt, and we were in the middle of having se-"

He really knows how to make me feel like shit..


Did he just hang up on me?

I threw my phone into my bag and pulled the strap across my shoulder as I ran to the elevator. I got into my car and sped off to Jim's Local Pub in search of my extremely hot Irish Friend.

I jumped out of the car and made my way inside where I saw Niall, but not only him, I saw an amazingly gorgeus blonde-haired bimbo sucking his face while on his lap. Fuck no, bitch.

"Niall, if you're finished let's go." I demanded.

He paid no attention to me whatsover.

"Niall! I said, if you're-"

"Exactly, I'm not finished." he snapped.

Did you hear that? Yeah, THAT WAS THE SOUND OF MY HEART FUCKING BREAKING. This simply won't do.

I pushed off the slut and grabbed him by the elbow dragging him out of the pub.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he said as he stumbled to gain his balance.

"No my friend, what the hell is wrong with you?" I said as I shoved him in the front seat.

"You know better than to go out drinking, what if Louis called? What if you had a special assignment to go on? God, you're so selfish. I can't belie-"

"Selfish? SELFISH? If anything you're the selfish one. You didn't even have the lady balls to ask me to leave instead of just standing me up IN YOUR OWN HOTEL ROOM! Do you know how stupid that makes me feel?"


"NO! I am NOT done," he interrupted, "You can't ditch me and then call me loads of times and say you care. That's not how it works, those aren't the rules."

I stayed  silent in fear that he would raise his voice at me again.

"Drop me off at my flat. After that, I never want to see your face again." he spat.

I drove down his street and he unbuckled his seatbelt before I even stopped the car.

My biggest regret of the night: I didn't stop him.

Hellooooooo Wattpaders! How do you like this chapter?

Niall seems pretty pissed, yeah?

Leave me some of your beautiful comments or send me a message. I want to involve you guys, so speak up! :)

Thanks for reading,

Ashley Xx

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