Chapter 1: DWMA Welcomes You!

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Your POV

"Crona, i'm not so sure about this." I replied, trying to let go of their grip. It was at times like this when I realize how much of a mess I was going to a new school that was quite different in my case. I slowly walked up the steps, my hands clinging in my inner pockets as I sighed.

"Come on ___, I have waited a long time for you to come to DWMA." They smiled nervously at me. We walked up the steps of the school, stopping at the last step of the stairs.

"Crona, how do you feel now that we have escaped from Medusa?" I asked her, still looking at the big marvelous DWMA.

"Well, I feel good."

"Enough of me, I want to introduce you to some of my friends." She said, shyly smiling at her warm-hearted friend. We walked into the school and she lead me into a big classroom.

"___,this is Maka, Soul, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and Death the Kid." She introduced.

"Hi." They all said and waved in unison.

There was one particular guy who caught my eye, that specific guy was glaring at me.His stare was really uncomfortable so I just turned away.

"Well Maka,mind if ___ sits next to us?" Crona asked.

"No actually,I would like to know more about you ___." Maka smiled.

"I AM THE ULTIMATE AND POWERFUL BLACK*STAR!" The boy yelled,he stepped on my hand that was placed on the table.

"BLACK*STAR NO!" Maka yelled,and hit his head with a book.

"I am sorry about Black*Star." Tsubaki apologized,dragging him to his seat.

"It is okay." I smiled.

"Black*Star can be a bit of a hand full." Maka said,massaging her head.

"But he can be an awesome friend." Soul defended.

"Yaoi moment." I said.


"What is 'yaoi'?" He asked,putting air quotes around "yaoi".

"Nothing important." I smirked.

I looked away and saw the guy again,staring.With his golden yellow eyes.I decided to just ignore it and to pretend like I am writing.I looked in the corner or my eye and saw him still staring.

"So are you a weapon or meister?" Maka asked.

"Meister but I don't have a weapon." I answered.

"Well there is this kid named Jeremy and he is a weapon." Maka smiled.

She grabbed my hand and walked me down to the boy.

"Jeremy." Maka yelled to the boy.

He turned around.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You don't have a meister right?" Maka asked.

"No why?" He continued.

"This is ___,she is a meister and ___ this is Jeremy a weapon." Maka introduced.

We shook hands and smiled.

"Hello." We both said in unison.

"Well looks like we are partners now." Jeremy smirked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Class sit down." The teacher came in and to be honest he looked like frankenstein.

"There are new students in this class so let me introduce myself,my name is Stein." He introduced.

Coincidental,I think not.

"So ___,are you a weapon or meister?" Stein asked.

"Meister." I answered.

"Okay,well do you have a weapon?" He asked.

I turned to Jeremy and smiled." I do now."

"Okay so Jeremy and __,you are partners?" Stein asked.

We smiled and nodded.


First chapter was okay :D

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