Chapter 11;My Black Blood is Red

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Your POV

I woke up in a cell.

"Hello?!" I yelled.

I tried to move but there were handcuffs that cuffed my hands.

"Hello __." A voice came from the distance.

"Who are you?" I replied to the voice.

The voice came out of the shadows and what I saw was surprising.

"Hello Daughter." Medusa smiled.


"Come sit." Medusa said.

A girl with long brown hair sat next to her.

"By the way,this is Miki." Medusa introduced.

I ignored and slowly sat in front of them.

"So how's your life so far?" She asked.

I was quiet.

"I hear there is this boy you like hm?" She said.

My eyes lightened up,Kid.Kid.

"Why do you want to know?" I spat at her.

Oh dear,don't do that it's rude." She laughed.

I glared at her.

"___." She said,touching my hair.

"I want you to kill Kid." Medusa said.

"What?! Why?!" I yelled.

"He has power that can beat my kind,that can beat you." She persuaded.

"No Medusa!" I yelled.

"Either you kill him or you kill all your so called friends." She said,walking around me.

"What in the hell would make you think I would do that?" I asked,getting up from my position.

Suddenly,Miki injected me with something it looked black.I collapsed to the ground.

I began breathing heavily.

"Now you will." She smiled,showing her evil side.


Kid's POV

Stein began to do his lecture.Miki wasn't here today,wonder why.

I suddenly heard screaming coming from the outside.

I looked back at Maka and the rest and they all agreed.We ran out of the classroom to the front of the school.

There was a girl with a hoodie who was laughing like a maniac and killing other people from the Death City residence.

"Liz.Patty." I said,and they turned into guns.

The rest turned into weapons.

"We can't go close to her while she is in action." Maka said.

She kept laughing and she turned around.

She took off her a hoodie and there revealed ___.__.

We were all surprised.

I looked back at Crona who was surprised but looked like she knew what to do with her.

"Kid and Black*Star go distract __ and try to get a hold of her and Maka come with me." Crona explained,grabbing Maka's hand.

We nodded and ran up to ____.

"Oh Hi!" __ laughed.

A smile came really big on her face and her pupils turned smaller.

"__ OVER HERE AND HERE!" Black*Star yelled,getting __'s attention.

___ was hit with Black*Star's double scythe but she was still laughing.

"Hey look my blood is black." She laughed and smiled.

"It's really funny huh?" She laughed again,taking Black*Star and smashing him to the ground.

She looked up at me and smiled a bigger smile.

"you're kind of cute aren't you?" She laughed.

My eyes widened but I knew she wasn't being ___ right now.

She took me and slammed my back to the ground.

"This is so much fun!" She laughed.

Black*Star took her and slammed her to the front wall,she was still laughing.We held her down and Crona injected something.

___'s eyes widened and her pupils turned back to her original color and she passed out.

Your POV

I awoke in a white room.

Kid,Soul,Maka,Tsubaki,Black*Star,Liz,and Patty sat around my bed.

"Looks like you're awake." Maka smiled,putting her book away.

Liz looked like she got an idea and whispered to Soul,Maka,Tsubaki,Black*Star,and Patty.

They all laughed and walked out of the room.

I looked at Kid who was fast asleep with his head rested on the side of my bed.

I smiled and moved his hair out of his eyes.

He awoke.

"Oh sorry I disturbed your sleep Kid." I apologized.

"No,it's fine." He smiled,streching.

"Did you eat yet?" Kid asked me.

"I'm not that hungry right now." I said.

"Well okay." He smiled.

"Hey Kid." I said,getting up from my bed.

"What?" He asked.

I did the unthinkable and kissed him.



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