Chapter 3;Witch?

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Your POV

I opened my eyes and I was standing in a big and wide hole.What the heck.People began gathering around the big hole that the death cannon cost and even Kid was looking.

"How is she alive?" Many people whispered.

Crona went up and saw me,helping me out of the big hole.She grabbed my hand and took me into a janitors closet.


Kid's POV

What the hell? Why didn't it get her? Normally people would be crushed by the death cannon but nothing like this has ever happened before.Something is up with her.I need to talk to father about this.

"Liz,Patty.Come." I said,leading my way out of the classroom.


Your POV

"Crona,what are we doing in here?" I asked.

"__,no one knows you are a witch.You have to keep this a secret.Not even Lord Death knows this." Crona explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked,still confused.

"I mean people are getting suspicious about what just happened.How you are not crushed." Crona continued.

"If people do ask,just say the death cannon didn't hit you but it did make a big hole making you fall in it." She said.

I nodded.

"Crona I am fine,but I need to see if Jeremy is okay." I said,holding the door handle.

"Jeremy is fine,he is in the nurses room right now,being checked if he had broken bones." Crona informed.

I sighed in relief and smiled.

"Well I am still going to visit him." I said,leaving Crona.


Kid's POV

"Father." I said.

"Hello son." Father said.

"I need information on ___." Kid explained.

"Why is that kiddo?" He asked.

"Just wondering because she seems suspicious." I explained.

"Okay,I will look." He said.

"Thank you father." I said,turning around.

"Hey kiddo before you leave." Father said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you like __?" He asked.

"What? No!" I defended.

"Than why are you blushing?" Father said.

Oh damn he was right.

"I am not." I said running out of the room.


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