Chapter 13;Always~

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Hey everyone! So finally this story has a happy chapter :)

Kid:You're a sad writer.

Me:I know I am.

Maka:But it's amazing.

Me:Thank you Maka.

THEME SONG FOR MY FAN FICTION:A Thousand Years-Christina Perrie PT.2

Your POV

We walked out of the nurses room.

"Looks like you guys made up." Liz smirked.

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

All of us walked out of the school.

"So Lord Death is having a celebration here at DWMA and are you all coming?" Kid asked.

"Of course we are." Maka said.

He smiled,"Good."

My eyes widened when I saw the same girl with Medusa.She was staring and glaring at me.

"What's wrong?" Kid asked.

"Hm? Oh nothing." I lied.

Why the hell would she be here?

"___,it looks like something is bothering you what is it?" Kid asked me again.

"No,nothing is bothering me." I said,giving Kid a reassuring smile.

"Okay." He said.

Kid's POV

It seems she is bothered by something.I looked to where she was looking and saw Miki giving her death glares.A flash back hit me.


"Kid!" Maka yelled.

"What?" I asked,turning around.

"You need to stay away from Miki." She said.

My eyes widened and I was confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"She is mentally insane." Maka informed.

"What,how do you know all this crap?" I asked harshly.

"Lord Death told me to tell you." Maka said,running away.

*Flashback end*

Miki is insane.

"Kid,now it looks like something is bothering you." ___ smiled.

"Oh it's nothing." He said.

She smirked.


Your POV

I walked out of my house,trying to fix all the rough edges of my dress.My dress wasn't really as eye-catching,it was just a sleeveless turquoise dress that passed the knees.

I walked into DWMA with Maka and the rest of the group.

"Hi everyone." Kid waved.

We all said Hi back and walked into DWMA.


I walked out to the balcony with a drink of water.It was a very breezy yet warm day today.I inhaled the beautiful air and exhaled it out.

I took a drink of water and felt a pair of arms around my waist.I felt someone's nose and lips on the crook of my neck.

I turned my head to see Kid.

"Oh hey Kid." I smiled,turning around to his direction.

"Hi ___." He smiled.

He kissed my forehead.

"You want to know something ___?" He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I fulfilled a promise." He said.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"What promise?" I asked.

"A promise where I said to myself that I would find you.No matter what.No matter how.Even if I died trying to search for you." Kid said.

"We will always look after each other no matter what,we will never leave each other." I said.

Kid took out his pinkie.

"Always?" He asked.

I wrapped my pinkie around his.

"Always." I smiled.


This chapter is the most saddest yet cutest chapter omfg.I have a question for you guys.

Can any of you guys try to make an amv with Kid and a character for my book? Even though it's an X-Reader with the song A Thousand Years-Christina Perrie PT.2

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