Chapter 9;My Heart is Stone

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I must warn that some of the few chapters will be depressing.Just saying.
Time Skip Time

Liz's POV

"Kid,come out of your room." I said.

I sighed.

He's heartbroken.

"Oh No Kid! My shirt is asymmetrical!" I yelled,trying to lure him out.

No response.

I sighed and walked away to a window and fogged it.

"42-42-564 whenever you need to knock on death's door..." I mumbled to myself.

"hey wassup?" Lord Death said.

"Hello Lord Death." I said.

"How's Kid doing?" Lord Death asked with a serious tone.

"He's not doing well since of what happened last Friday." I sighed.

"Try to cheer him up as much as you can and bring him to school today." Lord Death said.

"Yes and we will be going now." I said,waving good bye.

The call ended and Patty followed me to Kid's room.I opened the door and there he was sitting in the corner,reading a letter.A letter?

"Kid come on we have to go to school go get dressed." Gosh I sound like a mom.

He looked up at me and didn't say any word.He grabbed his tuxedo and walked to the bathroom.

While Patty looked around Kid's room,I picked up the letter and read it;

Dear __,

I miss you dearly.I want to see you again.___.___.____.___.___

and ___'s name just goes on the whole letter.I really feel bad for Kid.He lost the one person he loved.I put the letter down and ran to the near by phone.


School has ended and we walked out of DWMA.Patty and I lead Kid to Soul and Black*Star.

"Hey guys." I said,waving to them.

"Hi Liz,hi Patty." They both said in unison.

"Well Kid come on." Soul said.


They walked away.


Soul's POV

We walked Kid to Maka and I's house.

We sat Kid down onto our couch.

"So Kid,I'm going to get you a drink." Maka smiled.

Kid looked up but looked back down,emotionless.

"Come on Kid talk." Soul said.

The phone began to ring.

"I'll get it." Maka said,running to the phone.

Maka's eyes widened and she dropped the phone.

"Soul." She said,crying her eyes out.

"What?" I asked.

"__.She's.She's Dead." Maka said.


omfg i am a horrible person BTW THERE ARE GONNA BE MORE CHAPTERS

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