i was drinking tea with Dali
in an underworld cafe,
arguing down his table
on General Franco's hand-
when The Persistence Of Memory
that melts my pocket watch
made time less rigid-
so i fell with names and numbers
into old obsidian dreams-
where your long legs pointed
from six to twelve,
then nine to three
when you bent them-
for me to play and pleasure
each exotic segment
of your velvet tangerine.
Dali left the table
to meet Picasso in Paris,
while my benzedrine mind replaced-
the soft and spent infinity of your face.
Copyright Strider Marcus Jones INSIDE OUT 2009.

15 Poems From My Second Book INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones
PoetryA selection of love and other poems from my second published book Inside Out. Feel free to read and leave a comment if you like them..thankye..Strider x INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones~Publisher Poems In these poems a...