a walk through town
ended sat by the cenotaph
on old hill fort trailing broken jasmine,
whose fading sweet scent-
fell over long lists
of remembered names.
women of my own age,
sat showing their beauty
of made up face
and mammarous breasts,
talking down time
with crossed legs
matched to buttery buttocks.
rolling a cigarette
the way my grandfather did-
their children laughed together,
and charged around on green grass
with pretend death stuttering
from their hands and lips-
no mud, or soft thud, of brass bullets
slam into flesh and bone
to silence them forever-
a smile from one of the women now,
and what do i do-
sit there,
confidence looking down
at my cigarette smoke rise and fall
thinking of broken jasmine men-
but sometimes,
i fashion a secret glance
obvious to them-
looking into beauty,
and lusting,
like these men would-
with them knowing
i have been single too long.
time to go.
i get up,
say goodbye
and walk away
like a branch of broken jasmine,
but not a hero-
the truth is
each age sees
birds of prey
falling away too
into the bay
after flamingo.
Copyright Strider Marcus Jones. 18th June 2009 INSIDE OUT.
15 Poems From My Second Book INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones
PoetryA selection of love and other poems from my second published book Inside Out. Feel free to read and leave a comment if you like them..thankye..Strider x INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones~Publisher Poems In these poems a...