a thought about you-
triggered, by the sight and sound and smell
of something else-
brings it all back.
the old brick bridge,
over the still canal-
reflects on those reflections gone
dark inside me deep-
which spoke prophetic phrases
that echoed on its ceiling
and fused within my own
bead on this simple string of time.
i felt i knew
each sentence in your senses,
and loves rhythms, rapid and relaxed-
made its own ripples, constant then but absent now,
with sanguine words,
and sagacious phrases
vibrating in the chords of air, like music moulding time.
Copyright Strider Marcus Jones. 2009. INSIDE OUT
15 Poems From My Second Book INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones
PuisiA selection of love and other poems from my second published book Inside Out. Feel free to read and leave a comment if you like them..thankye..Strider x INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones~Publisher Poems In these poems a...