when i look back
in a moment
of quiet acquired dignity
that comes to some
with age,
it is with patience,
for i was much the same
when everything seemed bigger
than it was
as uncertainty
wore the other shoe to confidence
and followed it step for step.
the energy of youth
that often acts
without respect and understanding-
to bluff and blag its way
in fashion and musical rebellion-
skips like stones
on the ponds of those who have it all
from Parliaments revolution-
but their ripples wane
through treacled trends
in this dumbed down democracy
soothed by drugs and drink.
apathy watches and laughs
at these new roundheads and royals-
jigging their booty
to tunes composed
by capitalist cavaliers-
wearing each despotic Emperor's new clothes,
and a known assassins kiss of death
waits for anyone who questions-
so it goes.
Copyright Strider Marcus Jones. March 7th, 2009 INSIDE OUT.

15 Poems From My Second Book INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones
PoetryA selection of love and other poems from my second published book Inside Out. Feel free to read and leave a comment if you like them..thankye..Strider x INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus Jones~Publisher Poems In these poems a...