Chapter 8

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Pregnant. She was pregnant.

She was pregnant.

Mairin didn't make a noise as she set the test down onto the counter, bracing herself against the sink as a wave of nausea came over her. She didn't throw up again, there was nothing left in her stomach to do so, but that didn't mean that she didn't feel like she wanted to. Her throat burned, head spinning.


A hand went to her stomach, pressing against it. A baby... there was a baby growing in side of her. She didn't feel anything, not even a small bump, but somehow she seemed to know that something was there. Perhaps it was just the knowledge of the positive test... but still, not even her fear could place her in denial.

She was pregnant.

That meant... that meant that she and Alain had...

A dizzy spell washed over her, and her reflection in the mirror began to look much paler. She stared at herself for a moment, stunned at what she was seeing. Perhaps it was because she had been avoiding her reflection the last few days, or maybe because of the news she had just received... but she looked old. Not gray and wrinkly, but her eyes had a heavy look to them, skin sweaty and pale. Her amber eyes were dim, as if they had seen more than they wanted.

Or as if she had learned something she wasn't ready for.


Even with her vision blurring Mairin couldn't spend another moment in the bathroom, and she jerked the door open, staggering out into the hallway. Her panic started to build with each step she took, the realization of what was happening becoming stronger. A baby... she was going to be a mom– she had a child in her right this moment... She... she...

She wasn't ready for this.

Tears entered her eyes, fear filling her– she couldn't be pregnant! She wasn't ready for such a thing! She couldn't have a baby– she just couldn't!

A sob escaped her throat, and she rushed down the stairs.

"I didn't tell her more than what was necessary," Alain's deep growl came from the front of the lab. "And you will not approach her on the topic– she has enough on her plate as it is."

"I understand that," Max said, sounding frustrated. "I am just saying this is probably the one time we could approach her on the topic without her emotionally hurting! I wouldn't do this otherwise, but this could be our one chance–"

"I don't care about your stupid research!" Alain snapped. "It's gone now– and you won't bring it up again! You just keep that stupid Gardevoir away from Mairin, and make sure nothing gets–"

"I've encountered four in my life, Alain!" Max's voice cut him off, though Mairin barely took in the words as she stumbled through the lab, merely flinching as the voices became louder. "And three of them had some sort of connection with a human, if we could just figure why this one acted in the way it did then we can help–"

"I said no!" Alain roared as Mairin approached the door that lead to the front room of the lab. "Bring it up again and I will personally make sure you regret it, Max!"

Mairin just seemed to realized who was speaking, and she came to a sudden halt, eyes wide. Her arms wrapped around her middle, sweat forming along her skin. Alain... he had, they had... he was... Her eyes clamped shut, and suddenly she broke down sobbing– her mind simply too overwhelmed to know what to do with the knowledge that had been presented. The idea of a child was simply something she hadn't considered until now...

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