Chapter 10

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Tonight the Hyper Beam hit her.

After so many nights of seeing the green being releasing the attack at her– only to awaken moments before it struck– she had come to expect that. At this point she had felt no fear as she had watched the dark mass of energy rush towards her as she flew through the night sky. Except for this time she didn't jerk awake– and the attack slammed into her chest.

It was agony.

No cry of pain escaped dream Mairin's mouth– but a burst of pain flared across her body as the Hyper Beam slammed against her. It was as if she had been set on fire, the painful flames biting her skin. The force of the Hyper Beam knocked her from her flight– sending her crashing towards the ground. The wind rushed past her, its whistling nearly as painful as the deafening roar coming from the green being above.

Then she slammed into the earth, a plume of sand being sent up as she crashed into the desert. Somehow despite the sand stinging her eyes, her dream self made no effort to close its eyes. The sting of the sand was nothing compared to the agony on her body however. Her head tilted skyward as the sand started to settle– the green creature zipping overhead to discover her fate. The pain was searing, as if it were eating away at her very flesh– yet it started to die down moments later, a brief glow surrounding her as it did so.

Her eyes were trained on the night sky– and for the first time Mairin was properly able to observe green being that had been haunting her nightmares for so many nights. Shivers raced through Mairin as she realized that this creature was no stranger to her however, its serpentine shape having once fed her nightmares when she was a still on her journey years before.


The mighty dragon let out a roar of frustration as it saw her standing, circling above her as he prepared to attack once more. Everything screamed at Mairin to run, but her dream self remained in a strange calm. An energy ran through her, and it felt as if her body had turned to jelly. It was a sensation she couldn't even describe... but she felt like she was changing, flowing.

The feeling was so alien that Mairin could feel herself shivering even though her mind was still locked in the dream.

The foreign feeling faded, and Mairin noticed that the ground seemed farther below her than before. She didn't have time to consider this though, and her body rose up into the air once more, rushing up to meet the Rayquaza. He let out a bitter snarl, purple energy gathering in front of him. She felt her arms coming together, a energy humming through her at the same moment the Dragon Pulse was forming in front of Rayquaza...

And that's when Mairin found herself being pulled from her dream.

She wasn't jerked awake like she so often had these last few nights, rather she felt a warm grasp on her arm shaking her. She was slowly waking up, the vivid desert night vanishing as her room took shape. She sat straight up as she found herself shaken out of the dream– skin coated in sweat, her heart racing. She jerked her head around, mind trying to piece everything together.

"Lu," A low voice said, and she turned and found herself looking into the eyes her Lucario.

"L-luke," Mairin whispered, and she glanced around her dark room. She paused to gather her thoughts. "Is... is something wrong? It's still night, isn't it? Why did you wake me up?"

"Rio," He grunted, and he placed a paw right next to the spike on his chest– where his heart was. He then watched her with intent eyes, as if trying to force her to understand with his gaze. She just stared back, and he rolled his eyes. After a moment he held his paw out, a blue glow lighting it, and then he placed it on her chest. "Lu."

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