Chapter 22

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Mairin stumbled back, heart pounding as she stared up the Deoxys, those unblinking eyes locked on her. Her whole body was shaking, and she wasn't sure if it was from fear or hunger. She felt her mouth opening, but yet no sound escaped her as she watched the creature hovering above her. The sand was gritty beneath her feet as she stumbled back, causing her to slide on the loose sand.

A green light lit the Deoxys' eyes as she fell back, a psychic glow surrounding her as she was dragged back to her feet. The alien tilted its head slightly as Mairin panicked, struggling to find her balance as the psychic grasp was loosened from around her. The light faded, leaving Mairin standing on shaky legs with a pounding heart. It was only then she realized that she was in the presence of a psychic type– but nothing was happening. No headaches, no blacking out, just a mere uncomfortable hum in the back of her mind.

The creature hadn't moved since it had landed– the green gem on its chest pulsing with light, synced to the auroras flaring above.

"Wha...?" Mairin began weakly, not even sure what she was trying to say, and she stumbled back several more steps, this time managing to keep her balance.

All she knew of this being was the few glimpse she had seen in her dreams, and what she had read in that folder... This creature had to be the same one that had taken control of her, had made her attack her friends... but yet Mairin didn't know what had lead up to those moments. How it had taken control, or how it had reacted with her. She didn't even know if it could understand a word she said.


Mairin stiffened as she heard the voice in her mind, the single word slicing through every thought in her head. It sent tingles down her spine, mind naturally recoiling as it heard the telepathy. 'Words' weren't quite the way to describe it, but rather it was a strange tangle of foreign thoughts and feelings. Amber eyes sent a nervous glance at the alien, who still hadn't moved from its spot in the sand. Its single arm swayed in an unfelt wind, eyes still locked on her.

"...Was that you?" Mairin whispered, a part of her hoping she had just imagined the greeting.

Yes. The Deoxys replied, and Mairin closed her eyes.

She thought a confirmation would make her fearful, but instead a different emotion rushed through her. Hearing this voice in her head... it awoke an anger in her. The fact that this creature was sentient, that it was capable of speaking made her stomach twist. That meant this Deoxys hadn't been something relying on mere instinct when it had possessed her, when it had forced her to attack those closest to her– but it had chosen to. That it was aware of its actions.

Waiting. The telepathic voice said. Visitor waiting. Long time. The voice seemed to get a bit lighter, as if smiling. You came.

"I d-didn't come out here," Mairin hissed, inching back. "You brought me here, didn't you?"

You came.

"I didn't come out here!" Mairin cried, shivering as a cold wind rushed by. "What do you want?!"

She didn't even need to hear the creature's reply to know what it wanted.

You. Here.

It was startling how her anger fueled her, how it drowned out the fear in her. She knew this creature possessed powers she couldn't hope to stand against, but yet she found her hands curling as she glowered up at the Pokemon. The Deoxys' shorter arm– the one that looked as if it had been burned away– shifted as a pulse of rage ran through her. The Deoxys tilted its head even further, its face still expressionless as they stared at each other.

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