Chapter 9

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Mairin stared at the door of the lab as Alain shut it, and she felt her heart sinking down into the pit of her stomach. It tightened around her heavy heart, squeezing it in a tight embrace as tears began to sting her eyes. Mairin didn't say a word, her throat closing up, and began to she sway.

She had told Alain that she was pregnant, and he had just walked away without a word.

She felt like someone was slowly pouring a bucket of ice water over her, shivers racing down her spine. Her arms wrapped around herself, and a ringing filling her ears. She heard the other members of the lab talking, but yet sounds just blurred together. Mairin's eyes remained locked on the door, her vision blurring as the tears ran down her face.

It wasn't until Serena's hand touched her shoulder that she was jerked out of her thoughts.

"Mairin?" She said softly.

Mairin squeezed her eyes shut. "I... I..."

Professor Sycamore was making his way towards her, his eyes gentle and concerned. She pulled away from him and Serena, raising her arms up as he reached out towards her, mouth open to speak. Mairin swiftly shook her head, cutting him off before he could even speak.

"D-don't," She whispered, she didn't want any form of comfort.

Sycamore drew his hand back after a moment, mouth twitching before his lips pressed together. More tears were welling up in her eyes, and she tried to will them away. She was fine, she was fine... Mairin quickly turned her back away from everyone, hating the concerned looks being thrown her way. She just wanted to be alone, was that too much to ask–

"And sometimes we need to be left alone!"

Mairin stumbled as Alain's voice angry echoed through her mind– the memory of the fight surprisingly vivid. She let out a small noise as she froze, heart thumping. She couldn't help but glance back to see if Alain was somehow there, his voice having sounded so clear and real. Instead she was met with the gaze of everyone else, and she swiftly turned away once more.

"I– I j-just want to be alone," Mairin whispered to them.

She heard someone step towards her, and Max started speaking. "Mairin, I'm sure Alain is just–"

"Stop!" Mairin cried. "I don't want to talk about him!"

She could deal with this on her own, she didn't need everybody flocking to her the moment something didn't go her way. Didn't they understand that life was like that, not always how you wanted? She could accept that, she could live with it! If Alain wanted to walk away without a word then she'd just had to accept that, no matter how much it hurt. No matter how much her heart felt like it was about to burst, and just because the tears wouldn't stop coming didn't mean she needed comfort–

A sound of a Pokeball opening suddenly filled the room, and Mairin turned in time to see a beautiful Pokemon materialize in the center of the room, having just released herself from a Pokeball. The Pokemon was tall and elegant, soft pink eyes staring down at Mairin with a concerned look. She stared back at the Pokemon, a sharp pulse of pain forming at the base of her head. She let out a hiss of pain, hands clamping down over her head as the Gardevoir watched her.

Mairin knew that Gardevoirs were sensitive to emotions, and perhaps this one had sensed her racing ones. It didn't matter however, and within moments blackness was starting to dance across her vision as the pain increased. Her knees started her shake, darkness clouding her vision as voices cried out. The words were lost to Mairin however, the cries fading away as she was whisked away from consciousness.

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