Chapter 23

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'...You know, I think this counts as cheating,' Mairin muttered as she found herself in what felt like so many of her dreams. The landscape in front of her felt real– nearly mirroring the reality she had just left behind. She knew what she was seeing was nothing but a memory, though it all felt so real.

The desert stretching out in front of her was covered in large sand dunes, a starry sky spread out above her. The northern lights were dancing high above, the green lights covering the entire sky. Mairin crinkled her nose, glancing about, finding that despite the similarities that this was different than many of her dreams. Instead of being trapped within her body, being unable to control herself, she could move about freely here.

But yet when she looked down at herself she saw nothing but emptiness.

She could feel the sensation of waving an arm about, but when she looked at where her arm should be she saw nothing. She went to touch her arm, and she could feel her fingers pressed against her skin– but still, she saw nothing. When she looked at her feet there was only the grainy sand, and yet no sign of her own feet. Frowning, Mairin pawed at the sand with her invisible foot– but she didn't feel the grains of sand she knew she was standing on. Like in her dreams she had no influence over this memory, but now she couldn't even feel the world around her.

The sensation made her feel dizzy.

'Hey!' Mairin snapped, crying out into the desert around her. 'The deal was you give me back my memories! Showing me one doesn't count– I just want all of them back! Make me the way I was before I lost them!'

Her throat tightened as she said this... because honestly she was a bit afraid of the idea of becoming who she was before. Because she knew nothing about those five years besides the vague moments she had been told and what she had dreamed. The idea of suddenly being suddenly thrown back memories that just might change who she was a frightening idea.

But she knew that whatever her memories held in store would be the right choice.

She didn't hear any reply from the Deoxys, and she wondered if the alien could even hear her right now. Her frustration for the creature had grown since arriving here– Visitor having not even waited for her to finish speaking before sending her here. For a moment she even wondered if it would hold its end of the bargain– or if it had simply taking advantage of the fact that she had allowed contact.

Mairin's eyes narrowed as she made out two figures in the distance of this memory– one sitting, the other hovering in the air. She stepped forwards to head towards them– and suddenly she was rushing through the desert. Everything around her became a blur as she was flung forward, appearing right next to the two figures in mere seconds.

The first one was the easiest to recognize– the very same Deoxys she had spoken to moments ago was hovering in the air, black eyes emotionlessly staring down at the other figure. The other person was a young woman in her pajamas, red hair loosely tied back. It was of no surprise to Mairin that this woman was indeed herself, though a few years younger. What surprised her, however, was the calm expression on her past self's face, looking up at Visitor with a thoughtful expression.

Past-Mairin was sitting in the sand, looking tired, but not unsettled in the slightest. She held a hand out towards the alien as if expecting something, her gleaming amber eyes showing that she was in complete control of herself. Visitor drifted down towards the ground, looking just as she did in the current day– save for the fact that she now had two arms, green and red tendrils twisted together.

Visitor placed the end of her shorter arm into past-Mairin's outstretched hand, who examined the black stump at the end. It seemed to be the same disease that was infecting her current self, though it hadn't advanced as far– merely just a few inches of her arm gone in this memory. Mairin watched as the Deoxys used Recover to regrow the tip of her arm, which then slowly began to turn black.

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