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After what had happened with August you were on edge about Tanners mental health. After all, he did start muttering things under his breath and growling lowly at any of the butlers or servants who would talk to you like a friend. He was even more clingy than before and he never left you alone for more time than he had too.

After one particular night of exhausting work he came home to hold you close and wrap his hands around you, only to find that you were sound asleep, dreaming (hopefully) of him.

He couldn't wake you so he took his shoes off and crawled into bed behind you. He wrapped his hand around your waist and pulled your sleeping form towards him, his legs intertwining with yours in a fetal position.

"Your so cute dear~" Tanner purred chaotically. "I think I have become addicted, like a drug." he smirked and kissed your neck before closing his eyes.



Sometimes its really, really cold outside, to the point where it snows and its nice to sit near a fire and read a book with hot chocolate. Unfortunetly, Christmas past a few months ago and that book and hot chocolate should be a boyfriend, seeing that it was February. But Oko was never one for snuggling close or keeping warm under a blanket together. You sighed as you read a book.

"Oko? I'm kinda cold. Do you think you could grab me a blanket?" he looked at you and nodded, his stoic expression placed upon his face. "Thanks squishy." smiling at his nickname he left the room, leaving you there, alone, on Valentines week. He came back quietly and sneaked around behind you.

"One warm blanket here to wrap up my Bumblebee." wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you out of your spot, he spun you around and sat down, placing you in his lap and wrapping his arms around your figure.

"I never can tell when you want to be cuddled or not." he joked. Putting his jocular smile behind him and placing a kiss on your nose.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



Petros was asleep, as heard by the sounds of thumping and loud snores coming from inside his room. You muttered under your breath. After five cups of coffee, three energy drinks, and five high sugar candy bars, he was out cold. His blue-green hair scattered about instead of tightly tucked behind him. He fell out of his chair and had rolled onto his side, with bags under his eyes as big as- well, eye bags.

"Petros." no answer. "Petros." still, no answer. "PETROS!" yelling his name finally got him to stir, only for him to take one glance at you, blush, scurry off the floor, and start yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING? LIKE, 'OH HEY THERE'S MY BOSS I THINK I'LL JUMPASCARE 'IM LIKE THAT GAME HE WAS PLAYING LAST NIGHT DID!" he put a hand over his mouth, ashamed of his admitted childlike scary trauma over a...

"Jumpscare... What were you playing? There haven't been any good horror games in ages." you stood triumphantly as he coward, clearly exhausted from the lack of sleep. Petros mumbled something incoherent and you took a step towards him, smirking.

"What was that, sir?"

"I played Salem: the Witches Demon. It's fairly new, and I just wanted to play it because I am not scared of demonic things or witchcraft. But gore, jumpscares, and furbies/Furries (witchever you hate more) I just am in absolute trauma with." he stopped talking out of embarrassment.

"No, I don't blame you for not getting any sleep, when I played it couldn't sleep for weeks!" you lied. Truth is the only few scary things in that game (according to you) were the moving statues*, the no-faced people, and the mummy chase through the garden at the witches estate. Anyone who had the guts to play wouldn't last very long, if they didn't watch, play and read the things you did.

After a moment of comforting, you stood him up and smiled. "Let's get you home." calling his ride and taking him to the front, he begged you to drive home with him. After finally convincing you he smiled. The ride to his house took a few awkward minuets.

Upon arriving at his home, there were five garages, five floors, (basement, semi basement, first floor, second floor, and third) a large pool in his backyard, a huge deck area, a patio to the other side of the yard, and three 24/7 staff members.

"Whoa, guess I never thought of your house like this. Anyway, where's your room?" you ask him as he point upwards. There are only two bedrooms on the third floor, the master bedroom, and the first guest. The semi basement is where the staff stays, the first floor is for party's and such. The second floor is my relaxation floor." He ushered you up a flight of stairs and as your breath faltered, he stopped. "C'mon slowpoke! You take forever." he sighed into a yawn, causing himself to falter and almost fall.

"Whoa careful! You could have bloody killed me!" the anger in hour voice echoed through the large stairway and my heart beat faster than usual. "Lets get you to bed!" I sigh.

As you reached his bedroom he practically passed out on the bed. The exasperation touching your face was far more powerful than you thought. He opened his eyes and you smiled.

"Y/n, Could you take my shoes and socks off? I'll give you a raise." he yawned and turned around to go to bed. You begrudgingly took his shoes and socks off before going to take his coat off.

Suddenly he grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you towards his chest.

"H-hey! Lemme go!" you blushed like crazy but his body was so exhausted that he couldn't even let you go if you tried.

"Goodnight then, boss." you tucked your face into his chest and fell asleep to his steady breathing.



"My queen!" Haruka yelled at your form. He picked up your weak form and took you to the infirmary, pleading that you would be fine. His prayers were answered by the young nurse, a boy with no clear standards as to what was awkward and what wasn't.

"She'll be totally fine!" he smiled, "you know, I really think she honestly passed out because of dehydration. Oh! I forgot, I'm having lunch with the history professor, well, goodbye!" he skipped off, leaving a mess behind him. Haruka sighed and walked over to you, uncapping his water and sitting you up. After a mound of gentle force drinking, he set you down and pulled you close, closing his eyes and falling asleep. His arms wrapped around you in a hug.



He fell asleep. Again. You sighed, when it came to working on his homework he was honestly the worst. You slammed the book and he stirred.

"I was literally reading. What do you want me to do? You were the one asking me for help." your desperation shone through and he sighed.

"Before my mom left she would give me a treat everytime I made a milestone in my studying. I think that helped a lot." he leaned into his chair and looked reminiscent of his gentle mother who had been six feet under for a few years now.

"Well, your older now so I don't think that sweets will help." a smile makes its way up your face and you stand up to stalk over to your sweetheart. He looked at you curiously and suddenly realized what you were doing. His blush grew faster and further as you stalked towards him.

He closed his eyes and you sat in his lap, cuddling next to him and opening the book again. Continuing to read, you found him nuzzling into your neck and you smiled, this cuddly bear wrapping his arms around you was so adorable sometimes.

After reading a little more he kissed your neck and held you tighter than usual. Your cheeks reddened at this.

"I love you. I love everything about you."

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