e i g h t e e n

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"shh sh sh it'll be okay. guy was a dick anyways." jack whispered to me as he continued smoothing my hair.

he managed to move me into the house and we're currently sitting on my sofa.

"thank you for staying with me." i slightly smiled.

"of course, why the hell would i leave you alone at a time like this?" he responded back. although he looked a little hurt when i made it seem like i thought he'd leave, seeing me like this.

he looked me in my eyes for a split second before looking at the floor.

"i- i'm sorry for .. everything.. for-" i cut him off.

"jack really you are forgiven okay. i cant handle this right now though" i said wiping under my eyes.

he looked off in the distance a while before turning to me again.

"no" was all he said.

".. no, what?" i asked.

"i'm sorry but we can't keep ending our conversations like this. 'you're forgiven' isn't the closure i need" he said, running his hand through his hair, frustrated.

"well what kind of closure do you need jack ? i don't know what else to say to you." i said, slightly raising my voice.

"well than don't say anything" he responded

"wha-" i got cut off

by his lips smashing into mine.

i wanted to melt into the kiss. i wanted to kiss him back like the world depended on it.

i wanted to

but i didn't.

i softly pushed him away, "jack we cant.. your with madison.."

"i know sky.. but i miss you.. like so much.. yes madison is great and all, but she isn't you."

i looked into his eyes and saw he was being genuinely honest.


"okay okay. i know it's weird. but if you just say the word i promise you i'll end things with madison. i just.. need to know what you think of everything" he rushed out.

"i'm sorry.." i started. and as soon as i said 'sorry' his face dropped.

"but you can't just end things with madison like that, and then get with me.. getting past the point of you cheating on me with her, she's actually a nice girl." i said.

"nice? she was the reason we're sitting here, like this. what do you mean nice?" jack questioned, looking a little aggravated.

"she didn't know we were together jack! for some reason it just slipped your mind to say 'hey i got a girlfriend'. or anything along the lines of that. hell i wouldn't even think we were dating!" i said, matching his voice level.

and as soon as i was done his face softened. and he looked to be thinking back on something.

"oh my god.-" he ran his hands down his face. "-your completely right. what the fuck is wrong with me. how could i be so damn dumb!" he stared at the floor, almost as if he was talking to himself.

"i- well- it's- no. i'm gonna make it up to you. i fucking promise i'm gonna fix this." he said as he started standing up.

"wait what do you mean-" he cut me off once again this time with a kiss on the cheek.

"i love you. and i'm gonna win you back"

and with that he was out the door.

cheater // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now