Chapter 57

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I don't know how I did it, but I had fallen asleep early last night. It was probably the emotional strife I was going through. Robyn slept peacefully beside me. I don't know when she had fallen asleep because I felt her get up a few times during the night.

I hated that she looked this cute in the morning. How was I supposed to hold a single ounce of resentment when she looked like that. It was impossible.

All I wanted to do was kiss her and wake her up with an excessive amount of love.

Before I could act on my thoughts, I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed to my shower, closing the door behind me. If I was going to make it through this Christmas and actually have a good day, I had to start my day off right.

I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes, getting in before the water could fully warm. I shivered under the luke warm spatter of water coming from the shower head. It only took a couple minutes or so for the water to heat up to a desirable temperature and steam up the bathroom. I sat under the hot water, with my back turned to the stream, and enjoyed the way the constant patter of water droplets on my back made my skin numb.

I took my sweet time in there, staying in for at least almost an hour. I washed myself free from suds and turned off the shower, and stepped out, my feet hitting a plush mat. I grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped myself in it. Water dropped from my wet skin, leaving a trail behind me as I left my bathroom. A cold draft caught me when I entered my room.

Robyn was exactly where I had left her except now she was in my spot with her face buried deep in the pillow.

I quietly pulled out a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt, laying them out on the bed softly, careful not to wake her up. I massaged lotion into my skin before I slipped on the clothes I had laid out, pulling fuzzy socks on after.

I took one last look at her and left the room to journey downstairs. The house was still quiet which was normal. The fact that it was Christmas didn't really change anything; routines would not be broken.

The Christmas tree stood tall in the house's front space, presents lining the outside. I spotted Robyn's gift as I walked down the staircase. The only gift that wasn't down there was the keyboard I had bought her. It was hidden somewhere in my closet.

I was hoping I'd have at least another hour to myself but with Robyn in the house who knew how long my time alone would last. Like clock work she would wake up within the hour of me leaving, give or take.

It's like she subconsciously knew when I was astray.

She would look at me with betrayal in her eyes like I had been up to no good. Then she'd stare at me hard as if she was trying to weed out any dishonesty, and after she couldn't find anything, she'd kiss me like her life depended on it.

I made myself a needed cup of tea and sat down at the large table in the dining room. The tea was scalding hot, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed the way it burned my tongue and throat. It was a good wake up call.

As I expected I didn't get the extra hour by myself. Soft footsteps descended the stairs. Messy hair peeked from behind the wall before her whole body followed.

A look of relief crossed over her face before being replaced with skepticism and then finally distrust.

I didn't say anything as she did her habitual once over me. I knew it was over when that hard exterior chipped away and her face softened.

I offered her a warm smile and opened my arms to her. She fell into them almost immediately, burying her face in my neck.

"Merry Christmas beautiful," I said as I kissed the top of her head.

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