eight ❁ truth

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We were at the parking lot after a few more hours from practice and finally decided to come home.

"Has anyone seen Wonwoo?" Seungchol asks making me raise a brow searching for Wonwoo in my surroundings too "How long has he been gone?" Mingyu asks scratching his temples

"Oh, I saw him leave before Jiseol did as well" Jun said "His car is not here too" Woozi points out to Wonwoo's empty parking space.

But Jiseol's car is left here. But then again it's impossible "I thought Jiseol's in Ulsan? Did she take the bus?" Jeonghan asks staring at the parking space adjacent to ours.

He's right. That's Jiseol's car right there "Maybe Jiseol just wants to experience travelling on a bus?" Minghao suggests but this just doesn't seem so right

"Do you and Jiseol have any friends in Ulsan?" I ask turning to face Kairi "I don't recall having any.." Kairi spoke. "What about you?" I ask Deokyeom

"Then what was the purpose of Jiseol going to Ulsan then?" Seungkwan asks

This shit doesn't seem right. Seungkwan's right, what would Jiseol be doing in Ulsan? "Hyung, this may seem weird but i did quite learn how to track someone with their phone number" Dino said

"What are you waiting for then?" I hissed "Hyung, I need a laptop" he sighs and we went inside the building again borrowing a laptop.

Dino's fingers against the keyboard as he types god-knows what makes me nervous every second

"She's in Ulsan, alright" Dino said clicking with his mouse "But what would she do in Jinha Beach?" Dino asks again. I was frustrating mad and I was about to pull out my phone from my pocket when i felt a grip on my hand, Its Mingyu.

"Let me just try calling her" i spoke clicking her name from my contacts

calling Jiseol-ah.....

"The person you are trying to call is not available at the moment, please try again later" The intercom spoke

"Shit" i cursed under my breath and saw Mingyu bringing out his phone as well.

"Oh, Jiseol" Mingyu spoke after a few seconds, she did answer Mingyu's call. But how come she declined mine?

"Where are you right now?" Mingyu asks the other line "Can you bring some eonyang bulgogi, on your way back? Also Vernon said that he has a surprise for all of us tomorrow morning, come home early okay?" "alright see you then" he said as he ended the call

"Really? All this time eonyang bulgogi is running on your mind?" I hiss at him aswell

"You'll determine if an eonyang is really from Ulsan, plus she said she's in Jinha anyways, a friend of hers has a beach house there" Mingyu explains to all of us

"It's settled then, We better get going now. We have a big day tomorrow" Vernon said and we all went back to the parking lot about to ride the minivan

"Yah! Mingyu where are you off to?" Scoups asks

"I'll be back soon" he said as he unlocks his car and drove away quickly

"It's me loes" he says once more but he cups my face with both of his hands this time.

I heard him right this time, it its him. Jeon Wonwoo was themeanwon all along. He was the one i virtually cried a shoulder on, he's the one who knows me the best, he's the one who knows every bit of my secrets. But why did he lie to me?

Well it's not really lie, but why did he keep his identity away from me? I felt my pocket vibrate breaking the close distance, thank go– i guess not.

Joshua oppa is calling...

Mingyu is calling...
"Oh, Jiseol" he asks through the other line

I remover the blanket over my shoukders and stood up, jugging a distance away from Wonwoo leaving his presence.

"Hey" i blankly spoke

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Jinha beach, please pick me up" after saying those words, i felt tears streaming down my face.

"Can you bring some eonyang bulgogi, on your way back? Also Vernon said that he has a surprise for all of us tomorrow morning, come home early okay?"

"please, mingyu" i pleaded crying even more

"alright see you then"

from Mingyu: i'll be leaving as soon as the boys does, i'll text you when i'm already there.  meet me at the bus stop.

I felt so weak. My body is dropped, making me sit on the sand feeling small pebbles around me. But that didn't change the fact that I stopped crying, the fact that i cried even more.

Probably an hour or who knows how long sitting in that position, i heard footsteps crashing against the pebbles and that sound is coming closer to me. "Stay away from me" i hiss but the sounds are still coming closer to me

"I said stay away from m-" I said facing Wonwoo– or atleast i thought he was. It's Mingyu and he pulled me into a tight hug as soon as he got to me and it made me cry again "Shh you're okay now, i'm here" he said brushing his hand against my hair.

"Let her go" a deep voice spoke breaking my hug with Mingyu. Great, now it really is Wonwoo this time "Let's go" Mingyu said pulling me by my wrist and away from Wonwoo.

"I said let her go" Wonwoo said following us that made Mingyu stop. "Have you even seen what you've done to her?" Mingyu angrily said to Wonwoo pulling me close to him leaving me having deep breaths every now and then.

"Why would you meddle in our own business anyways?" Wonwoo shouts.

"She was the one who wanted to leave." Mingyu shouts back

"How will we be able to resolve this if you'll be adding more fuel to the fire?"

"Man, you made her cry. And you didn't even talked to her when those times happened?"

"You mother f-" Wonwoo said punching Mingyu right at his jaw. The 2 keept exchanging punches with one another, and my breath is becoming heavier but little do i know that i'm already running out of breath.

"H-help" I squelch but its so soft that it seemed just like a whisper.

"H-help" i tried to call out once more just when everything went black.

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