thirty one ❁ obstinado

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(A/N: The dialogues in bold for this chapter signifies that the language used is Spanish, i just got too lazy to translate ㅎㅎㅎ)
I was startled the first thing i wake up after seeing 13 pairs of eyes on my direction, half of them with raised brows and majority tapped a foot as if they were waiting for an explanation or something

"Uh–good morning?" I confusingly spoke "Is there something wrong?" I spoke once more since no one answered my first question

"You disappointed me Jerusha" Jisoo huffed "Yah, why are they speaking alien language?" I overheard Seungchol asking Chan "Hyung that's Spanish!" Chan whispered

"What did i do wrong? What did i even do in the first place?" I asked to the furrowed brow oppa and he threw towards me his ipad and thankfully i was able to catch it

[Trending Rumors ] EXO's Chanyeol rumored to be dating Hong Jiseol after dispatch... click more to continue

Dispatch uploaded earlier photos of the rumored couple seen last night as EXO's Chanyeol was seen hurriedly leaving after concert in Seoul– only to find out that his destination was Ms. Hong's residence.

Both were even captured in disguise past midnight driving in a car together.

The photos from the article were the ones from last night when Chanyeol oppa visited me. Just because we were seen together late at night it doesn't mean that they're automatically dating.

"A-and you actually believe this?" I huffed "Why shouldn't i?" "What did i tell you about dating an idol?" he raised his voice as he began speaking in english

As soon as my age stepped into the teenage life oppa told me not to date an idol on the first hand. Why? You may ask, just like i did to him before too.

"Why shouldn't i?" I asked as i twirled my fork around the pasta as i waited for his answer

"Idols have pretty hectic schedule. Barely any time to go on dates, since when it's their day off all they do is catch up on their lack of sleep. World tours here, promotions there, business here, endorsements there. Neither i have barely time to spend quality time with the family. What more about if you were about to date one? I don't want you to cry over a boy that doesn't lend his time towards you Jerusha" Jisoo spoke

"Ne, i will try my best"

"Because i'm NOT dating Chanyeol oppa!" I slightly raised my voice since i am slowly running out of patience "I will find a way out of this. Just trust me" i continued hoping to earn atleast a trust from one of them

"YAISH OBSTINADO!" Jisoo oppa almost shouts at me as he stormed out of the room
The first thing that came to my mind after what happened earlier this morning was to cover the issue with a new one. Just like how overlapping in art works, covering one with a new one.

Just as i was about to go to the company to share my thoughts, i was actually summoned to go there. Maybe to discuss this issue with Chanyeol.

"I left the dorm as soon as i was called" i spoke catching my breath as i was ordered to sit down in VP-nim's faux leather chair. "I believe you've seen the news already." Mr. Kim spoke as he placed both of his hands behind his glass name plaque and i nod "I actually thought of a way to get Sm's talent out but it requires to pull in one. Like, come and go?" i spoke as i fidget with my fingers because of the nervousness that is filling up my nerves

"Go on, speak what you wish to tell" Mr. Kim encouraged as he was ready to listen "I-uh, I'm actually..."

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