fourteen ❁ planned out

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As soon as Wonwoo oppa blurted out the news i almost dropped my phone as i felt my beart skip a beat.

Jisoo Oppa? I ask myself wondering what happened and if he's in a critical condition, whatever it may be. I went in the car and searched for my inhaler since i've been having heavy breathing here and there.

Calm down Jiseol, come down. My heart is pounding louder and louder every time i get closer to the house. My hands were shaking as i got off my car and grabbed my keys from my bag.

I held on the door knob shaking and slowly opened it taking a peek at first. It was dark, literally. jet black dark.

"SURPRISE" i heard a unison shout as the lights began to open seeing a 'congratulations' banner hung on the living room wall.

"Surprise? For what?" i chuckled placing my bag down on the sofa.

"The news already came to us before you even knew" Hoshi smiles

"We've secretly planned this out while you left the building earlier this day. When those times you thought we were practicing" Jun laughs because of the success of their plan.

I felt my phone vibrate and excused myself from the boys

a new text message.

from: unknown number
so does the little princess enjoy here surprise celebration?

I just stared at the text message not deciding to reply back since it may just be a spammed stalker. But little did i know 'this person' sent another one.

from: unknown number
the message won't disapper if you'll just stare at it sweety. it might just even make things worse.

to: unknown number
who's this? what's with your business??

from: unknown number
it's Yeri, darling. missed me?

to: Yeri
ugh you wish–what do you want?

from: Yeri
i sent Vernon my regards for your great news, i even baked you a buttercream cake!

to: Yeri
let me guess-it's poisoned isn't it?

from: Yeri
ahh smart girl. but will anyone believe you if you tell them it's poisoned? won't that cake ruin your friendship with Vernon or anyone of them at all once one of them eats it? Tell trying one of them and the situation will get worse

from: Yeri
take a pick darling, it's either gonna be you or them. see you in hell x

"Shit" i cursed under my breath "Is there something wrong?" Seokmin asks attempting to peep on my phone screen.

"I almost forgot my fitting for tomorrow" I lie and he nods seemingly as if he's convinced

The boys are one of the greatest people in the world seeing them how a simple event like this can turn out somehow memorable.

We were all there gathered in the living room exchanging conversations and laughs here and there while different opponents and teams play against each other in the video game.

I love how they welcomed me open-arms and treated me like family.

A short silence occured as the door was heard being unlocked by a key from the outside.

Please don't tell me it's him.





And just with that, I completely jinxed myself. Seeing Vernon's silhouette slowly entering the house

"Jiseol" I heard Vernon's voice as the door locks after it was opened. Shit he's here and he's carrying the cake box. What do i do?

A sudden idea came to my mind. If i eat this cake there won't be a possibility that i'll be alive but that will prove Vernon how truly evil his oh-so girlfriend is in exchange.

"Yeri baked you a cake to congratulate you since, unfortunately she cannot be here." he said as he hands me the cake

"Thanks" i fakely smiled "See? I told you she's nice now." Vernon said patting my shoulder.

Seungkwan set the cake in a lazy susan waiting for me to slice the cake out.

well, here goes nothing.

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