sixteen ❁ smart wonu

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"HOLD ON" Wonwoo shouts stopping me from cutting the cake.

"Hyung, is there something wrong?" Mingyu asks Wonwoo

"Isn't it bad to eat dessert even before having a proper dinner?" he asks and everybody else nods in agreement

"What's for dinner anyway?" I ask

"Well the thing is all we prepared for is the surprise but completely forgot about the dinner." Seungchol oppa explained.

"No, it's fine. You shouldn't have bothered in the first place." i smile still being grateful for what they've done.

"Where should we eat then?" Jeonghan oppa asks

"Perhaps some Samgyupsal and Bulgogi with Soju?" I said flicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth and suddenly felt quench of hunger rumbling through my stomach.

"call!" Minghao said with excitement and everybody agrees.

I mean who would pass on with grilled meat matched with Soju right?

"Dino you're a '98 right?" I asked making sure everyone's in the right age to be in a place where there'll be alcohol. Wow i feel like a responsible noona out of a sudden

"Ne, Noona" Dino nods and everybody gets up to get dressed

"Aren't you getting ready?" Mingyu ask "My trench coat is already hung by the door" I said pointing at my coat my eyes "No, the other ready. You know what commonly girls do." he said trying to get to the point.

"Ah, you mean running upstairs to pat on some make-up here and there?" i said "If that's the term, then yeah" he smiled feeling embarrassed

"I-i don't do that kind of things. Not unless if i really have to. I was raised to be a simple woman by my mom" i smile back "I guess your mom, or your parents in general raised you and shua hyung well."

Their manager dropped us off at the restau going to a private room they rented out to eat peacefully.

Ever since we've arrived they hurridly griled the bulgogi and took shots of soju as they eat bulgogi wraps here and there. It's not avoidable to share stories, jokes and laughs here and there.

It's already around 2am and more than half of the boys are already drunk and those who aren't decided not to let the drunk ones get servings of soju anymore.

I scanned the room to see those who aren't Jeonghan, Joshua, Minghao, Wonwoo, and a half sober Mingyu.

"Why did you do that?" I ask Wonwoo referring to what he did on the cake. "I felt like there's something wrong with that cake" he said taking a shot.

"There poison in it." i blurted out the truth. "I knew it. And now is the time to take advantage of drunk Vernon." he smirks

"You can tell him a lie tomorrow that he and the drunk ones ate it last night. Then when we arrive later throw the cake out immediately before anyone else notices" I whispered and he agreed.

"Alright, the minivan is here" Jeonghan oppa said guiding Seongchol oppa and Dino up wrapping each of their arm in Jeonghan oppa's shoulder.

"Seol-ah, help Seokmin out and we'll take care of the rest." I nod at Jisoo oppa's order "Can you stand up?" I ask Mingyu and he nods helping Jun oppa and Seungkwan

"Oppa, lets get going now" i said and wrapped DK's arm around my shoulder.

I got off the minivan quickly with Seokmin oppa to unlock the door for the others.

I brought DK to his room and tucked him in his duvet and went into the bathroom to get a face towel to damp it in warm water. "Sleep up, yeah?" I ask while wiping the warm cloth against his face and i got up when i assured that he fell asleep completely.

"Are they all okay now?" I ask the sober men in the kitchen and they all nod

"Did you do it?" I ask Wonwoo coming inside of the kitchen and he nods and sat down beside Seungchol.

"Did what?" Jisoo oppa asked "I was about to take the trash out but he insisted on doing it" i half lied

I found the wind coming from the back door, seeing that the door towards the garden is open, i came out to see who was outside and closed the door from outside.

The construction by the garden next to an empty lot was the first thing that i saw, maybe that's gonna be where i'll be living.

"Hey" Mingyu said looking at my direction "Are you okay now?" I asked sitting down beside him "I'm sober now, if that's the answer you've been looking for" he chuckled looking at the stars

"I guess you like the looks of the stars too huh?" I said "Yeah, not to brag but i did study for an astronomy class out of interest" he smiled at the sky.

"You see that?" He said pointing to a constellation "It's called the sirius star. It's pretty right?" he smiled looming at me, looking into my eyes deep down.

"I-i..." he stutters "Go on," i said persuading him to continue

"I want to make you feel safe Jiseol"

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