vii. ljh

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Lee Jihoon isn't as quiet as everyone assumes he is. Only when he's hungry.

Which, unfortunately, he is right now.

"This is the cafeteria." He grumbles to the junior and points to the school cafeteria with a scowl.

It was the adjustment period for the new school year, meaning there was an abundance of excited and helpless freshmen along with tired and restless seniors.

Jihoon can't believe that he's part of the latter.

He's the assigned senior guide of a freshman named Chan, who doesn't look as excited as the others; he looks like he's going to piss himself in fear. Jihoon doesn't blame him, though, because he hasn't tried to be approachable through their entire endeavor; and they've been walking around for fifteen minutes now.

"Hyung," The younger boy suddenly says, "you don't have to show me around anymore."

Jihoon casts a sideway glance towards him and Chan looks back apprehensively. They haven't stopped walking so they kinda just look at each other awkwardly, Jihoon trying to intimidate the younger into changing his mind.

Chan is stubborn though, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly. "I think I can find my way on my own." He says before ducking his head, breaking the staring match he had with Jihoon.

Jihoon chuckles humorlessly, knowing what's running through the kid's head.

He's aware of the feeling of wanting to be alone, and of wanting to isolate yourself in favor of disturbing another person's time; now all Jihoon wants him to be aware of is the fact that embarrassing shit happens when you're left alone among a new environment.

Bad luck follows the newcomers. Always.

"Kid," Jihoon start his voice level and commanding, "believe me when i say that this school is big and that you don't want to be alone on your first week."

Chan almost whines at that, and Jihoon finds himself wanting to smack the younger upside the head because, come on, he was hungry and just wanted to prevent a disaster from happening; the least Chan could do was follow and be grateful.

"But hyung," Chan stops walking and Jihoon rolls his eyes, turning around to let him continue, "I don't want to be a bother anymore."

"Not happening," Jihoon and Chan stare at each other again, and if Chan was scared shitless at Jihoon's cold demeanor earlier, he should be shaking at Jihoon's scolding right now.

But he wasn't, so Jihoon continues, "my assigned senior didn't show up when i was a freshman, wanna know what happened?"

He doesn't wait for the younger's reply, "I walked into a storage room thinking it was the comfort room and found a half naked couple making out in it."

A grimace makes its way unto Chan's face, and Jihoon knows he won, "I believe you don't want that included in your freshmen memories, because I surely didn't."

Chan swallows, "Oh my god. No."

Jihoon forgot about his hunger, then, deciding to tease the kid, "Shit, they were slobbering over each other as well, didn't even notice me, the guy just-"

"Hyung, please don't."

It was smooth sailing after that, Chan followed Jihoon as he walked around the hallways, keeping quiet all the time; only giving small noises of approval when Jihoon asked whether he was still listening.

The two boys were starting to warm up to each other, so they made small talk; Chan asking the questions, Jihoon providing answers. One question perked up Jihoon's interest though.

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