xi. bsk

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Boo Seungkwan sings his heart out as much as he writes it.

...and it annoys Hansol to death.

Well, not really, but, you get it.

"Seungkwan, I'm trying to read here!"

Seungkwan merely narrows his eyes at Hansol's complaints, still belting out his rendition of Whitney Houston's 'I will always love you' in broken English.

"Your English sucks..." Hansol mutters, burrowing deeper into the couch.

"Excuse me?" Seungkwan stops singing, glaring in Hansol's direction instead, "I don't allow this type of slander in my own house!"

"Do you even know what slander means, Kwannie?" Hansol counters, one side of his lip curling up.

"Obviously!" Seungkwan throws his hands up, his face starting to turn red from screaming.

"Really, mate?" Hansol continues to tease him, fully trying to fight a smile now as he tilts his face up towards Seungkwan.

"Yes!" Seungkwan's still screaming, oh god, "You know what? Get out of my house! Why are you here anyway."

Seungkwan was having another one of his petty tantrums, he plops down the front of the couch Hansol was sitting on and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I thought you wanted me to get out?" Hansol whispers beside Seungkwan's ear all of a sudden, startling him, "How am I supposed to do that with you blocking my way?"

Seungkwan purses his lips, suppresing the urge to curse because, damn it, Hansol just knows how to push all of his buttons.

"Think of something," Seungkwan mutters, "you're the genius here, aren't you?"

Seungkwan was intent on ignoring him, honest. But when he hears Hansol giggle, his resolve quivers, and it full on collapses when said boy wraps his arms over his shoulders, embracing him from behind.

"Ah, my best friend's always so cranky!" Hansol squeezes at him, even going as far as moving as if to kiss his cheeks, and Seungkwan sputters at the attention, trying to break free.

Hansol can only be like this to Seungkwan, maybe a bit to Chan, but Seungkwan is the only actual exception to his constant silent treatment he gives others. To other people, Hansol is the quiet, smart dude; but to Seungkwan, he's is a playful child that demands constant attention from him.

It confuses Seungkwan more than anything.

Seungkwan doesn't know why he reacts like it, but he almost karate chops Hansol's throat in his escape attempt, so desperate in getting away from Hansol's hold.

Or maybe he does, he just doesn't want to admit it.

Either way, the two end up on the floor, both of them a panting mess, Hansol cracking up, but stopping when he doesn't hear Seungkwan laughing along with him.

Because Seungkwan's heart was fucking racing and he doesn't know what to make of it.

The two of them lay in silence then; comfortable silence, though, because Seungkwan is used to being with Hansol. They've been together since they were in diapers.

"You're a genius too, Kwannie," Hansol says out of the blue, "your writings aren't superficial. They have a life of their own. It takes a genius to do that, you know?"

Seungkwan stays silent only because he doesn't know what to say.

What the fuck do you even say to that, really? Thanks, their yours?

Nope. Absolutely fucking not.

"Besides... I know that you know the meaning of slander, you're a master poet," Seungkwan still stays silent, and Hansol looks to his side to study his expression, "Do you still want me to get out?"

"No." Seungkwan replies a little too quickly, "I mean, no, why? Do you have to go somewhere?"

"What?" Hansol laughs, turning to the side and resting his head over his palm, looking down at Seungkwan, "Why are you all red?"

Because you're fucking handsome, asshole. "Because you made me angry."

"I mean," Hansol says, "I always make you angry. don't I?"

"Yeah you do, idiot. I'm gonna die from a heart attack one day and it'll all be your fault." Seuungkwan glares at him, and Hansol jokingly glares back before smirking.

"I'm gonna be a doctor someday too, Seungkwan, " He moves to throw an arm over Seungkwan, who doesn't budge this time, "and I'll do everything in my power to save you before you die, just to have more time to annoy you."

"Such a romantic." Seungkwan says while rolling his eyes.

He pinches Hansol's arm, pushing him away and sitting up to walk away into the kitchen, trying to clear his head because Hansol's words are just too much right now.

He doesn't know what hurts more, the fact that Hansol probably only said those things as a joke, or the fact that Seungkwan doesn't want them to be.

His head was reeling with words, and his hands are itching to scratch them on paper while the emotions are raw, but he doesn't wanna risk said emotions being read by his best friend.

He leans on the granite counter and stares ahead, this hasn't been the first time this happened, but this might be the first time that his reaction was questionable.

He couldn't help it, he's just been suppressing it for too long.

See, that's what he's good at, pushing back his feelings and pretending they don't exist. People might know Seungkwan as the flamboyant and wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve type, but he's really layers and layers of secrets; and most of them include his true feelings for a lot of people.

One person was on top though.

And he couldn't do it anywhere else, so Seungkwan just has to admit, to himself and himself only, that he has a big fat gay crush on Hansol.

"Can you get me some water?" Hansol's screaming from the living room startles Seungkwan out of his reverie, and he quickly regains the sassy attitude he usually uses on Hansol when he's being a brat.

"Get off your ass and get it yourself!" He screams back, before taking two glasses and filling them with water.

When Hansol doesn't walk through the kitchen door like expects, he sighs and takes a coaster, then walks towards the living room.

He sets the coaster down on the living room table and bows dramatically, saying, "Water, your highness!"

Hansol laughs at his acting and watches as Seungkwan places the glass on the coaster and plops down over his legs, aiming to crush his femur.

It cuts Hansol's laugh off immediately, much to Seungkwan's amusement.

"We oughta break these legs since you put them to no use!"

"I'm sorry!!!"


Hansol goes home a few hours later, greeting Seungkwan's mom who just got out of the car on his way out. It makes Seungkwan's heart race a little bit, seeing them interact; and that hasn't happened before, so it bothers him.

When Seungkwan sits on top of his bed later that night, he hums to multiple love songs and writes at least three poems all centralized on the realization that he just admitted his feelings for Hansol; and his worry over how it would affect their relationship.

He stares at the pages lined with ink, and blinks. Another realization just hit him.

Seungkwan might've just found his muse.


published: 180429 at 01:16am

(a/n: verkwan.... can i get an amen? amen.)

((p.s. votes and comments are appreciated, thank you! ily xx))

(((p.p.s. lol i said i'd update tomorrow and by tomorrow i mean now. sorry not sorry >: ])))

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