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Jeon Wonwoo pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

He reads a copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' he picked up from the bookshelf across the foot of the bed he's sitting at to pass time, the light snoring of his younger friend providing good background noise.

He's a few chapters in when he hears the shuffling of bedsheets as Minghao turns and wakes up.

"Oh, hi." He greets.

"Hyung?" Minghao groggily replies, rubbing at his eyes to get sleep out of them "Wonwoo hyung. why didn't you wake me up?"

"Didn't wanna disturb you." He shrugs. He also didn't want to disrupt the quiet ambience of the room.

"How long have you been there?"

"A while" Wonwoo says as he raises the book in his hand, "your mom let me in, sorry."


They let the quiet envelop them for a while. Wonwoo already took the liberty of opening the lamp earlier in order for him to read, and Minghao lets his eyes close again, to either clear his head or take a short nap, Wonwoo doesn't know, but he lets him be.

Wonwoo likes it here, it's quiet and the people don't force him to do anything, he could read and take naps and the wifi even connects automatically (Minghao tinkered with his phone when he slept over once and put in the password); most importantly, the people in Minghao's house takes more care of him than the ones in his own.

Wonwoo proves this observation when Minghao asks with his eyes closed, "Have you eaten yet, hyung?"

Wonwoo shakes his head. Minghao sees this, apparently.

"What do you want to eat? I can make you some ramyun if you want." Minghao yawns and Wonwoo finds it endearing, his friend was tired yet he still wanted to tend to him.

"Ramyun is fine."

Minghao is used to Wonwoo's short replies, he knows how to read into them, because usually, Wonwoo would open up to him on his own without Minghao having to ask. This is how their usual conversations go, and he's content with that.

"Alright, let's go downstairs." Minghao gets up and leaves the sheets a mess, which Wonwoo fixes and neatly flats down on the matress.

Minghao looks at him like he grew a second head, because, really, he didn't need to do that. Wonwoo just shrugs at him.

Minghao chuckles at his friend, nothing has changed with Won, always wanting everything to be in order.

Wonwoo smiles back, "Let's go."


They're greeted with Minghao's mom once they get downstairs.

"Hey, Wonwoo." She greets, ruffling Wonwoo's hair "at what state did you find Minghao earlier?"

"Snoring, auntie." Wonwoo leans on the kitchen counter, his nose crinkling in amusement upon seeing how Minghao looked ready to fight the both of them.

Minghao groans, "Will you guys ever stop ganging against me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, son. We're just messing with you." Mrs. Xu says, pinching her son's cheek, earning a yelp in reply. "I assume you two went downstairs for food?"

"Yes." Both of the boys replied, Minghao rubbing his cheek, Wonwoo finds this funny, he would take a picture if he didn't fear for his life.

"Do we have ramyun?" Minghao asks.

"Top left shelf," His mom says, he never noticed, but his mom was dressed up, ready to go out. "pots are in the bottom left, eggs and cheese are in the fridge."

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