xii. hvc

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Hansol Vernon Chwe was a natural at school.

But that doesn't necessarily mean he likes it.

He mulls over that thought as he walks to Chan's house after leaving Seungkwan's, his focus drawing tangents every few seconds, thinking about the fact that he's already finished all his homework that weren't due until next week; which leaves him with nothing to do for the rest of this week.

People always say that procrastination might be a good look on him, because he looks like one of those people who are pretty enough to get out of trouble with just a glance; but he hates stereotypes, and he doesn't like people pushing him to fitting into  their expectations of him being a complete dumbass just because he looks like it.

He's smart, and he's not ashamed of that.

But more often than not, it leaves him lonely. Because people see him as a threat, someone who has it all, and they put him on a pedestal, they alienate him, make him feel like he's a step above them when in fact he's not.

And sometimes he conforms to it, acting like he knows more than he actually does, but he doesn't do it to spite them; he does it to show them that, no, it isn't a good look on him. He's just a little kid who looks too mature, and it makes him feel awkward to act his age.

He personally thinks he's nothing special.

Hansol reaches Chan's house in no time, his thoughts making time seem transient, the only solid thing present is the door in front of him. He knocks on it.

"You didn't tell me you were coming over."

"Do I ever?"

"Good point."

Chan moves aside and Hansol walks in, feeling at home immediately.

That's probably what the three of them —Seungkwan, Chan, and him— feel when they visit each other's houses, though, since they are bestfriends, so he doesn't question it.

"Why aren't you at home yet?"

"I already am?"

Chan rolls his eyes, "I mean your home."

"I don't have any business being there," Hansol shrugs, "I already finished my homework and if they see me lounging around they'll just call me lazy again."

That's exactly the reason why his grandparents have never seen a single medal from his ever growing collection. He hates turning them into hypocrites when they start being fond of him once they see his achievements, after all of the names he's heard them call him.

He wants them to like him on their own accord, but they never give him the benefit of the doubt, so... it's hardly possible.

"Well, wanna help me with mine, then?" Chan looks at him hopefully.


Chan pouts, and Hansol laughs at him before plopping down on the sofa and turning on Chan's console. Chan groans at him.

"You came to my place just so you can play games?"

Hansol grins, "You have the better console."

Hansol doesn't tell Chan that he's the only one with a console between the two of them. Because his grandma has his locked in her cabinet, out of his limits.

They play a couple of rounds, and while they wait for the game to load in between rounds, Chan decides to ask,

"Do you miss your parents?"

Hansol turns to look at Chan, and decides that he can probably tell him some of the truth.

"A lot. But I understand that they have to go overseas so I can push through with my education, so I won't hold it against them."

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