I Don't Deserve To Live In a World That Takes Everything I Love Away From Me!!

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After dealing with (Y/n)'s injuries, Dark Link was now telling the other creepypastas about what she had told him before Takeo's accident. The other Creepypastas, aside from Smiley, were all shocked at what Dark Link had just told them.

"I can't believe this, all this time she's been hanging out with us, we all thought she was just a girl who was kind and lonely when actually, she's like her Mother who was recovering from depression and we had no clue."

L.J said in a shocked tone. Puppeteer then spoke up.

"You know, that night when she first came here, I did notice that there was something off about her but, I didn't think that she had suicidal thoughts."

"How come you didn't say anything?"

"When you're recovering from depression it's hard for me to sense the soul's negative thoughts, it was faint but, I definitely sensed some past negative feelings through her soul."

Puppeteer said to E.J. Slenderman then glared at Dark Link and he said to him.

"What I'm shocked about is you keeping quiet about this, Dark Link, why didn't you say anything?"

"I already told you, it's because (Y/n) begged me to keep quiet and besides she probably knew that we would have worried and fussed over her since we weren't there for (M/n) when she...."

The Creepypastas were silent for a moment and then Ben spoke up.

"I hate to say this, but, you're right, we would have been keeping an eye on her but, it's like what you told us, she was recovering but, what caused her depression to come back? Aren't those antidepressants supposed to make you feel better?"

Dr Smiley looked at the small bottle and he then said to the others.

"They are but, from what her Father told me, she did see a therapist and she was supposed to keep taking these pills daily but, since Takeo got involved in that car crash and find out whether or not he'll walk again, she stopped taking them and he had no idea about it."

"Poor girl, hasn't she been through enough of pain and suffering already?"

"I know, anyway, I told (F/n) that she can stay with us for a while until she's better and he said yes but only until Takeo is released from hospital and he also said it's probably for the best that she stays clear for a while until she can cope with Takeo's condition especially since there's a chance he may never walk again."

Slender nodded his head in agreement and he then spoke up.

"Good call, Smiley and speaking of (Y/n), how is she doing?"

"Well, she did lose a lot of blood when she cut her side and her wrists but thankfully, she's going to be fine except she's going feel a bit anaemic for a while when she wakes up."

"Well, that's good to know, at least she's safe and alive thankfully."

Back in Smiley's room, Smile dog was sitting on the floor while he had his head resting on the edge of the bed as he stared at (Y/n)'s sleeping face. Smile dog whimpered as if he's telling (Y/n) to wake up. Dr smiley came into the room and he checked on (Y/n)'s injuries and her temperature. Sally knocked on the door and then Smiley looked at her and he said to her.

"Evening Sally."

"Hi, Smiley, how is big sis? Is she awake yet?"

"No, I'm afraid not, she's still a bit poorly that, she'll wake up soon, you'll see."

Sally understood this and she then showed the picture she drew of her and (Y/n).

"I drew this as a get well present, do you think she'll like it?"

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