Running Away From Home

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I headed to the meeting point where Zalgo/Seth was waiting for me and it was near the lake. I took a deep breath before I got closer to him. Zalgo, who was still in his human form, looked at me with a smile and he said to me.

"I've been waiting for you for a while, (Y/n), so how did that little chat with your brother and father went? what did they talk to you about?"

I was silent for a moment as I looked at Zalgo's face and I then spoke up.

"They told me about a certain someone or a certain demon, who is after me for a while now and they also told me that same demon was after my Mother a long time ago before I was born, they told me he goes by the name Zalgo."

He then looked at me surprised and I knew what that look meant.

"I know the truth, Seth, or should I say Zalgo?"

He lowered his head and he then spoke up.

"It's not Seth, that's not even my real name, it's my human name for you and your friends, what you just said is true, my real name is Zalgo and I'm the leader of the Creepypastas."

Zalgo said as his horns and his bat wings appeared. I wasn't fazed by this and then Zalgo looked back at me.

"I'm sorry I lied to you (Y/n)."

"You're sorry? oh please, I'm not falling for the sympathy act, not only did you lied to me, you've hurt the people who I call my best friends and you tried to kill my brother! why Zalgo?! is this all because you wanted someone to be at your side like the greedy demon you are?!"

"I know you're angry and upset with me, but listen, it's true I did those things but, at the time, I was evil and possessive of you, but, after spending time with you, you began to change me."

"I changed you?! oh please, I've heard of the saying a leopard can't change its spots and this leopard in front of me can't do that."

Zalgo tried to stroke my cheek but I smacked his hand away from me.

"Don't touch me! don't come near me! because of you! three of my friends are injured, my brother was close to being paralysed for the rest of his life and my depression came back! you're nothing more than a heartless demon, I can't believe I nearly gave my body to you last night, now that I know the truth, you can go back to wherever you came from, I don't want to see your face again."

Zalgo was shocked when I said this and he then said to me while holding both my hands.

"(Y/n), don't say things like that, I love you."

I pulled my hands away from him and I then slapped him in the face. Zalgo was shocked that I did this and I then said to him.

"I don't love you, not anymore Zalgo, just go..."

I turned my back towards him and I said to him.

"Just go away and never come back."

I walked away from him with tears in the corner of my eyes leaving a shocked and sad Zalgo behind me.


As (Y/n) left the forest, Zalgo wanted to go after her but, his feet wouldn't move. Zalgo lowered his head and he then mumbled.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n), I really am."

Zalgo flapped his wings and then he takes off into the sky with a lone tear spilling out of his eye. Back with (Y/n), she got back home safely and she then headed to her room not caring if her brother is awake after he took the medication earlier. She closes the door behind her and she then rests her back against the door and she slides down it before sitting on the floor. (Y/n) wiped away her tears and she then buried her face in her lap as she curled up into a ball.

In the living room, Takeo was already awake and he saw how sad (Y/n) looked when she headed upstairs. Takeo carefully made his way upstairs to her room and he knocks on her door.

"(Y/n)? are you OK in there?"

"Go away Takeo, I don't want to talk right now."

"All right, but, the old man is bringing us back a Chinese takeaway, do you want anything? I can give you some of my portions."

"I'm not hungry, I just want to be left alone."

Takeo sighed and he didn't want to say anything else after that and then he carefully headed back downstairs. (Y/n) sighed and she placed her hand on her forehead and she then thought to herself.

'This place has too many memories for me, first I learnt about Mom living here in this neighbourhood, meeting the creepypastas, my depression coming back and now I've learnt about a demon king coming after me and he nearly killed my brother...'

(Y/n) felt more tears threatening to spill out of her eyes and then she wipes them away before she spoke up.

" more crying, everything around always goes wrong, I can't stay here anymore."

(Y/n) said as she grabs her rucksack and she then packs some of her clothes, a photograph of her and (M/n) together and her dagger (A/n Jeff gave her that for protection don't ask me how she got it from him.)

Once she got everything she needed, she quietly headed downstairs and she saw Takeo sitting on the couch watching TV. She quietly went into the kitchen and she then grabbed some food before she headed to the back door. After she quietly left the back door, (D/n) managed to go through the door and he grabs the fabric of her jeans. (Y/n) looked at (D/n) and she then knelt down to him and she pats his head.

"I'm sorry boy, I can't stay here anymore, everything around me goes horribly wrong, I feel like I'm a jinx and that's why I can't stay here and wait for something else bad happens."

(D/n) whimpers at her comment and she then said to him.

"Do me a favour, don't try any more escape attempts and make sure you look out for Takeo and Dad, someone needs to keep an eye on them, can you do that?"

(D/n) nodded his head and then she hugs him before she stood up and waves bye. (Y/n) walked along the pavement and she then took one last look at the town she once lived in and she then mumbled.

"Goodbye, my family."

(Y/n) then turned around and she then disappeared into the darkness.


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