I'll make her my Queen

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It had been a while since my encounter with that stranger that I met up at the hospital. I've always wondered where he came from or how he knows about me and my brother but, for some reason, I felt a strange feeling in my chest when I first met him. Anyway, after I got home I apologised to the other Creepypastas about my behaviour and thanks to Smiley's help and a few weeks of therapy, I'm also on the road to recovery.

I was in the kitchen and I started to clean up my dishes and then Slender came into the kitchen and he spoke up.

"Morning, (Y/n), you didn't have to clean up the dishes."

"It's fine Slender, besides, most of it is actually mines and sally's mess."

Slender chuckled and then one of his tentacles held up my pills and he asked me.

"Have you taken these today?"

"Not yet but thanks for reminding me."

I said as I took the bottle from him and I got a glass of water and I took two of the pills and I swallowed them. I gagged a little and I spoke up.

"Man, I know I should be used to taking these by now, but, ever since Smiley gave me these stronger pills they taste bloody awful."

"Well, your last prescription wasn't doing any good for you so, you'll have to get used to it until you're back to your old self."

"Point taken, I'll go and put these back in my room, I don't want Sally eating these."

I said as I headed back to my room.


Once (Y/n) left, Slender called out Dark Link and he then said to him.

"Dark Link, some of us are going on a killing spree tonight so it's your turn to watch her tonight."


Dark Link said as Slender left the kitchen. Dark Link looked out of the kitchen window and he frowned a little.

'Zalgo is back, there's no doubt in my mind and I better make sure that (Y/n) is safe and away from him.'


I'm was in my room and I was reading my manga book until someone knocked on my door. I looked up and I then spoke up.

"Come in."

Dark Link entered my room and he then said to me.

"Slender man told me that he and the others are going on a killing spree tonight so it's my turn to guard you."

"I see..."

I looked down slightly and then Dark Link noticed my look and he then said to me.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, except, I'm just a little concerned about Takeo and Dad, I'm wondering how they're coping without me."

"They're doing just fine, now stop worrying about the others and just worry about yourself, after all, you're still recovering and the last thing you need to do is worrying about the others."

"That's what my therapist said and speaking of which my next appointment is in an hour, I better get ready so, shoo!!"

I shouted as I shoved Dark Link out of my room. I got changed into my (F/c) hoodie, my (F/c) T-shirt with the Zelda logo, my skinny jeans and my converse shoes. Smile dog was waiting for me outside of my room and he wagged his tail happily.

"Sorry boy, you can't come with me this time, dogs aren't allowed at the therapy sessions but, I promise to bring back a nice juicy dog bone."

Smile dog wagged his tail happily when I said this and then Dark Link showed up.

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