The Truth Comes Out

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I woke up the next morning and I still couldn't get Takeo's voicemail out of my head, was he really telling the truth? is Seth really a demon?

I couldn't get those questions out of my head and I needed answers. I got changed into my casual clothes since it's the weekend. I wore my (F/c) t-shirt that has the fairy tail logo on it, a sleeveless denim jacket, (F/c) skinny jeans and high top converse shoes.

I headed downstairs with my phone in my hand and I saw Dad and Takeo about to have breakfast. Takeo smiled at me and he said to me.

"Hey sleepyhead, you know you had me worried last night, I had no idea where you were until dad told me your phone ran out charge, good grief, that's what happens when you have your head in the clouds."

I didn't respond to that as I looked at him emotionless and then dad spoke up.

"Is something the matter sweetie?"

"Something is wrong all right, care to explain this Takeo?"

I put my phone on loudspeaker and I played the voicemail that he left me yesterday. Takeo and Dad looked at each other with worried looks on their faces and I then said to them.

"Don't even think about making an excuse, there have been enough secrets in this family as it is, I'm not a child and I'm not going to relapse, the both of you have been acting weird lately since Seth, Zalgo or whatever his name is showed up and I've had enough."

Father sighed in defeat and he then spoke up.

"You're right, (Y/n), there's something we should have told you a long time after we came here."

We sat in the living room and dad began to explain to me.

"It was a couple of years ago, as you already know your Mother and I grew up around here and she suffered from depression. I wanted to do whatever it takes to help her at the time but, that was until I learnt about the creepypastas and their leader, Zalgo."

"Zalgo is the leader of the Creepypastas?"

"Yes, you see, he was a demon at some point but, for some reason he's taken the form of a human so he now looks like he's a year older than you anyway, I don't know how he and your Mother met but from what she told me she was in a relationship with him until our parents arranged us to meet up and get engaged."

I was shocked when he said this because this was the first time that I've heard about this, at least now I know why Mom didn't talk about her past to me that often. Dad sighed a little and he then said to me.

"After we got engaged, (M/n) had no choice but to split up with Zalgo and then we got married, afterwards, Takeo was born and Zalgo continued to watch us from the shadows. One night, I noticed that your Mother was acting up after she fell pregnant with you, I knew immediately that we couldn't live here any longer so, she left the house to tell the creepypastas that we were moving to big city and it's a good thing we did otherwise Zalgo would have forced her to his queen and killed you."

I was shocked when he said this and then Takeo spoke up.

"I was still a young lad at the time when dad told us we had to move to the city, I didn't want to go but, I still understood why we had to leave for the city, after we moved back here, the creepypastas are now back on the scene and Zalgo caught wind of this and he tried to kill me because he's practically blaming me for convincing mom to leave him and this place."

"Now you understand why we were being protective of you since we learnt about Zalgo returning and that includes the other creepypastas."

"Wait a minute, the others knew about this too? why didn't you guys tell me after Takeo's accident?"

I asked them and then Dad continued.

"How could we tell you? you were having a rough time because of your depression coming back, you were hurting yourself, you were starving yourself, snapping at everyone around you and you tried to commit suicide twice."

"And that makes it all right does it? I was on the road to recovery from before, you could have told me then and I would have stayed away from Zalgo if I had known he's a demon in disguise."

"Look we're sorry we didn't tell you, we wanted to make sure you were well enough before we told you the truth about him."

"Look at me now dad, do I look like I'm about to replace? do I look as if I'm going crazy or if I'm about to kill myself for the third no, fourth time since I had depression? no, as you can see I'm fine and I'm healthy!"

Takeo tried to stand up but Dad stopped him before he said to me.

"*Sighs* I know and I'm sorry for that, the bottom line is, you've got to stay well away from Zalgo, he's still after you and he wants you to be his queen even if he has to force you to do so."

"How can I stay far away from him when he's my classmate?"

Dad thought for a moment and then Takeo spoke up.

"Dave Ja Vu all over again, you know the only solution Dad."

"I know."

I knew what they were talking about and I shook my head for a no.

"No, I'm not moving houses again, I'm done running and I'm not a coward, I want to stay where all my friends are including the creepypastas and I don't care if Zalgo is after me but, I'm not running away from my problems I'm done with that, please dad, don't make us move houses again."

Dad looked at Takeo and he nodded his head.

"You've made your point, all right, but, we'll need to get someone to guard you since Zalgo is in the same class as you, we'll need to get Slenderman's help with this.

"All right, thanks, dad."

Dad smiled at me and he pats my head gently and then he looked at the time.

"Well, it's time for my morning shift, I'll see you two later and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Dad, we're not kids anymore and we can take care of ourselves, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Famous last words, son!"

Dad shouted before he left the house leaving me and Takeo laughing at his comment. After Takeo took his medication, he laid down on the couch and he looked tired.

"Takeo, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, it's just the medication the doc gave me, I told him about my fatigue and he told me it's normal for the medication that I'm taking, apparently it's supposed to help my pain."

"From where I'm standing, it's doing the complete opposite, you look as if you've just taken marijuana."

"Gee thanks for the do you mind...I need some sleep."

I nodded my head and I then said to Takeo.

"I'll be back later, I'm gonna go and see Sakura."

Takeo nodded his head and then he fell asleep instantly. I quietly opened and closed the front door so I can make Takeo think I've left already. I then quietly left through the back door and I then headed into the woods.

'I know Takeo and Dad told me not to go anywhere near Zalgo but, I still need answers and the only person who can give me those answers is straight from the horse's mouth, sorry guys, but this is something I have to do alone.'

I thought to myself as I made my way into the forest so that I can meet up with Zalgo.


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