The Girls Holiday

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The next day, Sakura and her father came to pick up me and Alice. Officer Blackwall came out of the jeep and he said to us.

"Morning you two, I hope you had a good night's sleep because we've got a long ride ahead of us."

Alice and I yawned a little which made Takeo and Dad laughed at us.

"They only managed to get a bit of sleep last night."

"Well, that's bound to happen when you play video games until midnight."

Alice and I sweat dropped at Dad's comment. I looked at Officer Blackwall and I asked him.

"By the way, do you mind if I bring (D/n) with us? I know I said we don't need Seth's protection but, nothing wrong having a guard dog."

Officer Blackwall nodded his head and he said to me.

"Of course, just him in the back, there's plenty of room for him to lie down."

"Great thanks, come on, boy."

I said as I led (D/n) to the back of the jeep and he jumps into the back. Dad came over to us after we got into the jeep.

"Now you three behave yourselves and don't even think about throwing a party."

"Don't worry, Mr (L/n), we'll behave ourselves and stop worrying about us."

Dad shrugged his shoulders and then we said our goodbyes before we left.


Once the girls left, Dad looked at me after checking his watch.

"Now that they're gone, I better get going, I've got another shift at work, I'll be back late tonight, I'll get something to eat while I'm out."

"OK, have a good day at work."

I said as Dad left. Once he was gone, I went back into the house and I cheered a little.

"Yes!! hahahaha!!! a whole day to myself and it was worth it! now that bratty sister is out of my hair, I can invite Molly over here and have a romantic night together."

I got my phone and called Molly.

"Hey Molly, it's me."

"Hi Takeo, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you, listen, my old man is going to be working all day and my little sister is away to a lake cabin with her friends, so I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner later?"

"I love too, I'll see you later on Takeo."


I said before I pressed the red button on my phone. I then got to work on cleaning the house and once that was done, I checked to see what ingredients we had left over and I then got to work with dinner.



The ride was long and I had slept for a while until Sakura woke up with her annoying singing again. I glared at Sakura and I shouted.

"Sakura! you're singing out loud again!"

"Whoops sorry."

Sakura said with an embarrassed look on her face. I looked at Alice and she was playing on a 3ds.

"Hey, when did you get a 3ds?"

"My parents sent it to me along with the their way of making up for not being there when we were attacked by Jeff and...when I had my kidney stolen..."

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