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It’s been an amazing show. One of these shows that remind me once again of how much I love my job and just music in general…and how much I love her.

Our love was young and fresh, but I knew for a fact that it was special. I’ve been with a lot of woman, I’ve been in love quite a few times, but it never felt like this.

I would usually get really bored or annoyed if a woman would constantly be near me, if I would see her every day without having time for myself, but with Demi, it was different. I needed her around. I missed her when she was just gone for a day or two and so I really enjoyed this whole touring process.

We haven’t actually made things official yet, at least not for the public and who knows if that’ll ever happen. Demi is a really private person when it come to her love life and I respect that, even if I just want to stand on the rooftop and scream it out to the world that I’m dating the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.

Mike and I have just gone off stage as I heard a fan screaming my name. I still wasn’t quite used to people knowing my name and actually freaking out when they see me, but it was a nice feeling.

"Steve! Let me have your babies!" Mike and I started laughing and I gave that girl a thumbs up. Demi wasn’t exaggerating when she said Lovatics were crazy from time to time.

I didn’t recognize Demi behind me at first, but as soon as the two of us got into the car back to our hotel, I immediately grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “You were incredible…as always.”, I said and smiled at her.

The young woman next to me just looked out of the window and pulled her hand away. Did I do something wrong?

"Are you okay?", I asked, slightly worried. Demi cleared her throat and shook her head, still looking out of the window. God, I hated it when she wouldn’t wanna talk and I started worrying way too much again.


"It’s nothing, Steve!", she said, her voice a little louder than I would expect as she looked at me. She looked sad and angry and hurt all at once. What did I do?

"Really? Because you look like I just dumped you or something.", I said and leaned back against the car seat. Damn,I really wasn’t in the mood to fight right now. I didn’t even know what her problem was in that moment.

"Oh, you might actually do it. I don’t know, you seemed pretty interested in that girl who wanted to have your babies.”, she said and rolled her eyes.

Oh, now I knew what was wrong. She was jealous. I didn’t quite know if it was ridiculous or just really, really cute.

"You’re jealous? Because I approved of that joke? Seriously?", I said and laughed a little. It was stupid to even think that I could possibly be interested in another woman. There was not a single girl that could ever get ma attention.

"That’s stupid, Demi. I love you, you know I would never do anything with another woman, I-…"

"Stupid? So being scared of losing you to someone…prettier, sexier, thinner…is stupid? Good to know.", she said and swallowed hard. I knew she had all these doubts sometimes and I still had no idea to take it all away from her.

Before I could defend myself, we arrived at the hotel and got in. Demi and I got into the elevator and she pressed the number 6, standing in the other corner. Yes, there was definitely some tension between us now.

About 30 seconds into the elevator ride, it started shaking and suddenly it was quiet. Demi looked up and I saw a little bit of panic in her eyes. “What the fuck was that?”, she said and pressed the 6 over and over again, but the elevator wouldn’t move.

"Pressing the button repeatedly won’t help.", I said, trying to spread a calm atmosphare, but on the inside I was scared as well.

She shot me an evil glance and tooka step back. “Well…why don’t you do something then, Mr Know-It-All.” Uuh, missy was definitely still pissed and our current situation wasn’t helping.

I sighed and pressed the emergancy button. “All we can do now is wait till someone finds us.”

Demi groaned in frustration and leaned against the wall. She slid down against it and exhaled loudly. I watched her running her hand through her newly dyed hair and clenched my teeth.

Minute after minute passed and I sat across from her, leaning against the other wall. I rested my arms on my knees and leaned my head back, closing my eyes for a moment before speaking to her again.

"Do you really think I’d do that?", I asked and looked at her. At first, she looked a little confused, as if she didn’t really know what I was talking about, but then she took a deep breat.

Demi shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around her knees. “I don’t know…it wouldn’t be the first time someone would do that to me.”, she said and I saw the anger fading andbeing replaced with more sadness.

"You know…even though I’m confident and happy with myself, I still have my doubts. Why would someone like you…someone so attractive and amazing, someone who could have every girl he wanted, be with me?", she shrugged and bit her lower lip.

"I-I might’ve over-reacted. I’m sorry.", she said and looked at me with her big, dark brown eyes. It broke my heart knowing that she felt like she didn’t deserve the love I tried to give her every day.

I moved over to her and sat beside her, pulling her against my shoulder. My lips brushed against her hair.

"I love you, Demetria! Don’t you ever think there will be someone else for me, because no one can compare to you, okay?", I said, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"You’re the woman I want to be with…and hey, if someone will have my babies, it’s you.", I smirked and heard her chuckle a little. "I promised Ethan a baby brother."

Demi looked up to me, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She smiled and reached out, running her hand down my cheek before pressing her lips against mine.

I love this feeling more than anything. My heart started racing inside of my chest and suddenly, we heard a crack. Someone opened the door and a guy looked inside from the top.

"Are you guys okay?", he asked and we both nodded. I helped Demi up and out of the elevator through that little space and followed with the help of two guys.

"Thank you!", I told them and shook their hands. "No problem. That’s our job. Have a great evening with your girlfriend.", he said and smiled politely.

I smiled back and turned around, seeing Demi standing a few feet away from me with her arms wrapped around her body.

"Come on. It’s been a long day, huh? Let’s get some sleep.", I said and she nodded, following me down to our hotelroom.

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