Cheer Her Up

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Steve leaned back and sighed a little. He’s been watching her pacing up and down the room for the past ten minutes, her phone in her hand and her eyes focused on the screen.

"Baby…come on. Don’t you think it’s enough now?", he said and licked his lips as he raised his eyebrows at her. Demi ran her hand through her hair and looked at him.

"Enough? It’s not enough, Steve. If I could, I would grab every single one f these assholes and punch them in the face.", she snapped and shook her head. Steve crawled over to the end of the bed and grabbed her wrists.

"Hey..look at me.", he said and Demi sighed as she looked back up into his eyes. "If there was a "Best Big Sister Of The World" award, you’dwin that shit in a heartbeat. They know now that they shouldn’t mess with you and Maddie’s doing fine. She knows how to handle it because she learned from the best role model anyone could have."; he smiled and Demi chuckled a little.

"You’re too nice, babe.", she said and took a deep breath, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It’s just…She’s the most important person in my life. Like…there’s literally no one I love as much as her and it just sucks to see people making fun of her."

Steve pouted as Demi said she loved no one more than Madison and Demi laughed a little, punching his chest. “Idiot…you know what I mean.”, she said and kissed his lips. Steve smirked into the kiss.

He pulled back a little and ran his hand over Demi’s jaw gently, smiling at her. “I love you.”, he whispered and Demi smiled, burying her face into his chest. “I love you, too.”, she said.

The bassist froze a little as an idea popped up in his head. “Wait…Maddie’s at home, right?”, he said and Demi frowned, nodding. “Yeah, why?”, she asked and Steve jumped off the bed, putting on his shoes quickly.

"Come on…time to cheer ehr up."; he said and winked. Demi was even more confused, but followed him out of the apartment and towards his car. They made their way to the De La Garza household and Steve refused to tell Demi what he was planing.

"You’ll see soon enough." was the tonly thing he keot saying. When they arrived, Demi opened the front door with her keys. "Mom? Dad? Maddie?", she yelled, but no one seemed to be in the house. She walked into the living room and saw her parents and little sister sitting in the backyard.

"Hey guys.", she said and Madison immediately jumped up from her chair and ran into Demi’s arms. She looked like she had been crying and it broke Demi’s heart into a million pieces.

"Hey…hey, it’s okay.", Demi whisperedas she pressed a kiss onto Maddie’s head. The 12-year-old pulled back and wipped away her tears. "Thank you for defending me.", she mumbled and Demi chuckled, pinching her cheeks playfully.

"What kind of big sister would I be if I don’t?", she said and Maddie smiled back. Steve walked a little closer and squeezed Madison’s shoulder. "Do you haveany plnas for today?" Madison shook her head.

"Good. Grab your phone and a jacket. We’re taking you with us.", he said and Demi just shrugged as Madison gave her a confused look. "I have no idea what he’s planing."

Madison did what Steve told her and the three headed back tohis car. Just like Demi tried to find out what he was doing on their ride to her parent’s house, it was now Madison who asked over and over again.

After a while, they arrived at a quiet and lonely part of a beach. Steve stoped the car and leaned back in his seat. “It’s quiet, it’s beautiful…it’s just right if you want to forget about things for a while and maybe scream away the furstration you’ve got inside of you. That’s what I do sometimes.”, he said and looked at Demi next to him and at Madison through the mirror.

The 12-year-old smiled and opened the door, immediately running off to the beach. There was not a single person around, the sunset could be seen in the back. It was peaceful.

Demi watched her little sister for a while before turning to Steve. “You’re the best.”, she said and pulled him into a kiss again before she got out of the car as well and joined Madison.

It was all they needed at this moment. Just them, the sound of the waves, a fresh breeze every now and then far away from the bullying Madison had to face earlier that day.

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