Baby Boy

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Their little wonder was 4 months old already. It still felt like a dream to her. About a year and a half ago, they didn’t even know if they’d last, if their love was strong enough to survive all the pressure that came from the press and the fans.

Then one day she felt weird. Not only had she been throwing up almost every morning for 3 days, but her period was late and after she went to see her doctor, her world changed forever.

The look on Steve’s face when she told him was the best thing she’s ever seen. He struggled with fighting the tears and smiled from one ear to the other. She was pregnant and it was his baby. They were about to be a little family.

Steve was lying on the couch with his son on his chest, making funny face to him. “Who’s my champ?”, he cooed and lifted Carlos’ little hand to high five him. “You are my champ!”

Demi chuckled as she walked over to the living room and leaned against the wall with a cup of tea tightly between her hands. She loved to watch him with their baby boy.

"You’re turning into a softie, you know that?", she said and Steve looked over to her, smiling. His big hands rested on Carlos’ tiny back and the bassist pressed a gently kiss on his rosy cheeks.

"Can’t help it with this little man right here…he looks just like you." Steve sat up carefully and held his son in his arms. Demi joined them on the couch and ran her finger over his cheek.

"You think? I think he looks more like you.", she smiled and raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend.

"No…no, seriously, look. This butt-chin. Totally yours. This nose? Just as cute as yours. And his eyes…well, could be mine, too…but they have the same spark yours have.", Steve smiled.

Demi bit her lower lip and smiled. “Yeah, your right. He’s just…the most perfect little baby boy I’ve ever seen.”, the singer chuckled and leaned in, kissing her son’s nose.

"I love you…both of you.", she said and kissed Steve before getting up to go to the kitchen, preparing some dinner. "Oh…and you’re the best thing that ever happened to me."

Steve smiled and lifted Carlos’ hand, waving at Demi. “We love you too, mommy!”

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