Late Night Thoughts

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Touring was amazing. Demi couldn’t imagine doing anything else. She loved her job, she loved her fans, she simply loved life at this point of her career and sometimes it amazed her as to how far she’s come the last four and a half years. If someone would’ve told her a few years ago that she’d one day tour through Europe and people would love her all over the world, she would’ve laughed her ass off. But here she was, at only 22 years old, playing concerts all over the world. Nothing could top the feeling of hearing thousands of strangers singing along to her song.

Okay, maybe there was one thing that could compare. Love. This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for Demi when it comes to love and she was glad that she could finally say that she was happy with a guy who understood her moods, her ups and downs and was always there for her. And when she said “always” she really meant it. Usually, she’d have to deal with the whole long distance shit, but he was different. It was the benefit of having a boyfriend who was also her bassist. He was wih her almost 24/7, he could share her experiences with her and after every show, she had someone to go to and he wouldn’t tell her to shut up about the concert because he was just as excited to talk about it.

All these thoughts made her smile to herself even more and her heart always skipped a beat when she thought about him. The singer was just on her way to Dublin with her band and crew and sat outside the ferry that’d bring them there. It was already dark outside, a cold breeze surrounded them and she listened to the waves. The singer closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She couldn’t really remember when she last felt this content and calm. “I love life.”, she said and opened her eyes again, looking at Holly who had a bright smile on her face.

"I can see that.", the blonde said and Demi chuckled a little. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy. And I think we have to thank Steve for that." Demi licked her lips and looked down onto her hands, feeling herself blush a little. Holly was right, though. "Speaking of Steve…", Demi said as she looked up and tried to find her boyfriend somewhere. "Have you seen him?", she asked and Holly raised her eyebrows, looking around a little herself. The last time she saw him was about ten minutes ago until he said he would be right back after using the bathroom quickly.

"I hav-…Over there.", Holly laughed and pointed at the bassist who was standing alone at the railing of the ferry a few feet away from him. he leaned against it, looking out on the water with a thoughtful expression on his face. Demi smiled and stood up, a blanket wrappe around her tightly since it was so cold and windy on the ferry. She made her way over to him, her hand moving up to his shoulder, squeezing it gently. Steve turned his head to look at her and smiled, but somehow, his smile was different this time. She knew something was wrong.

"Hey. You okay?", she asked and Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pullingher closer to his body as he looked at the waves again. "Yeah, I’m okay…just a little thoughtful at the moment.", he said and looked at her, kissing her forehead gently as she snuggled up against his side. She loved the feeling of his arms around her. They made her feel safe. Just being around him made her feel safe and protected. He calmed her and she loved that feeling-

"Penny for your thoughts?", she said and smiled up to him as she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. Steve sighed a little and took a deep breath before he looked at her again. "I just…I miss ethan, you know? I haven’t seen him in weeks. Sure, we’re facetiming a lot, but it’s different from actually having him around.", he said and shrugged a little. Demi felt bad for him. Steve was an amazing dad. He always facetimed his son when it was night time in America, right before Ethan would go to bed. No matter what time it was for them, he’d get up in the middle of the night just to tell his son he loves him and he wishes him sweet dreams.

"It’s just a few more days, baby. Then he’ll be with us for a while.", Demi smiled and kissed his cheek gently. She promised him Ethan could come join them for a few days if his mom agreed and Debbie actually liked that idea. "And then we can do whatever he wants and whatever you want. No matter if you want me around or not.", she chuckled and Steve smiled at her. "Thank you.", he said and kissed her lips gently. "I love you. And one day…we’ll be our own little family. With a lot of little Demis running around." Demi frowned. "Little Demis?", she asked and raised an eyebrow. "Well, knowing how cute Ethan is, I’d definitely prefer a mini Steve."

The bassist laughed and shook his head at her. “You’re unbelievable.”, he said and moved his free hand up to her cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. “Why? I don’t really think you’d be able to handle a little Demi. I was a brat…I mean, I still am, but when I was little…”, Demi laughed. Steve bit down on his bottom lip and leaned down slowly, kissing her passionately. The singer moaned a little against his lips and her heart beat faster inside of her chest. Every kiss felt like the first time and she never got tired of kissing him. “But you’re my little brat.”, Steve mumbled into the kiss and Demi chuckled before she pulled back slowly.

"I love you.", she said and looked into his eyes. Steve smiled and pulled her closer against him. Demi buried her face into his chest a litte, breathing in his scent that she loved so much. Even though they were joking around about having kids a lot, she knew that one day, she will give birth to his child. She’ll be Mrs Rodriguez one day and she’d spend the rest of her life with him. No other man ever made her this happy and she knew that her future with him would be a happy one. As long as he’d be by her side, she didn’t need money, fame and fortune.

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