My New Neighbor

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She moved into the house across the street a few days ago. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to go over and talk to a beautiful girl if I see her, but something about her was different.

It was like there was a robe always pulling me back when I finally found the courage to go and introduce myself and I had the strong feeling like it was my mind telling me there was someone else.

Somehow I felt like she might have a boyfriend who could easily kick my ass if he wanted to and just the other day, I got the proof for my theory. I went out to get the newspaper when I saw her standing there with her arms wrapped around her torso and a face-eating smile as she talked to a guy with dark, slightly curled hair. His biceps were massive so I thought to myself that I should never get into trouble with him.

They hugged so tightly and I couldn’t really see it properly, but from this ankle, it looked like they kissed each other before he put his guitar case into the back of his car and got in himself, driving off.

My new neighbor watched the car for a while with a dreamy expression on her face. That smile was probably the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my life.

Why was I suddenly so afraid? Maybe I didn’t want to make a fool of myself, but who said I can’t just go over and introduce myself and tell her that she’s more than welcome in our neighborhood. Yes, that was definitely a good plan.

I took a deep breath a I walked across the street and stood in front of her door. “Lovato”. I read on the name tag next to the door bell and smiled. Latina…now I knew why I was suddenly so attracted to her.

I rang the bell and waited for a while until she opened the door and smiled at me. “Can I help you?”, she asked and her voice took my breath away for a second.

I cleared my throat and held my hand out. “I-I’m Steve. I live across the street and just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I’ve seen you a few times already, but you always seemed pretty busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”, I said.

She chuckled a little and it sounded even more amazing than I could’ve imagined. “That’s really nice of you, Steve. I’m Demi.”, she said and shook my hand. I knew from that moment on that I could never forget that name again.

"Why don’t you come in and I make us some coffee so we can get to know each other a little. I could use some friends in town.", she winked and I smiled back, nodding.

Her house was beautiful and big. There were still some boxes standing around, but it already looked really cozy and comfortable. We made our way into the kitchen and I sat down on one of the stools.

"This house is beautiful. I always wondered what it looked like from the inside." I said and Demi smiled at me as she prepared two cups of coffee.

"Have you been living here for a long time already?", she asked and placed the cup down in front of me before she took a seat across from me on the other stool.

"I grew up here. The house I live in belonged to my uncle and after he passed away, me and my dad renovated it. Now I live in there with my son.", I said and Demi looked like she almost choked on her coffee.

"You have a son?", she asked and bit her lower lip. She seemed to be shocked to hear that.

I nodded. “Yeah. His name’s Ethan and he just turned six. His mom passed away four years ago, so now it’s just him and me.”, I said and smiled a little. I didn’t really like talkeing about it, but Demi made me feel so comfortable.

"I’m sorry to hear that.", she said and placed her hand on top of mine, squeezing it gently. "I’m sure it’s pretty cool for him to have his daddy around all the time, huh?" She was probably trying to lighten the mood a little and it helped.

I chuckled. “I feel like he sometimes gets annoyed, but that’s okay. He’s with his grandparents this weekend, so he definitely gets some distraction from his dad.”, I laughed.

We talked for a while longer. I got to know her better and she suddenly seemed even more attractive to me. Hearing about her family and how she got this house and what she does for a living…it was like the mystery was slowly solved.

Just like me, she loved music and I joked around about us playing together anytime soon. I saw a piano in the living room when I came in. “I could play the bass, you could play the piano and sing and your boyfriend could play the guitar.”; I chuckled.

"Boyfriend?", she asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah…The guy that left your house yesterday. I saw you two together and he had his guitar with him.", I said and shrugged.

Demi laughed and shook her head. “No, no he’s not my boyfriend. That was Nick, my best friend. And before you start with this “guys and girls can’t be best friends without falling in love” thing…We’ve been doing this best friends thing for over 10 years now and he just got married, so don’t worry. Besides, I used to date his brother and he would kind of break the bro code if he’d fall for me, right?”

I looked at her and laughed as well. “Oh I see.”, I said and took the last sip of my coffee. I was glad she didn’t have a boyfriend. Seemed like I suddenly had a chance with her.

"Besides…I wouldn’t start anything with any guy when I have such a handsome neighbor to hit on.", she smirked and winked a little. I didn’t know why, but I felt like that wasn’t a joke at all.

After a few more minutes, I left again and I knew that this woman was going to turn my world upside down soon.

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