The Water

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Jay Adler's POV

The cold water shocked my body. I instantly recoiled, and my mouth opened and gasped for air out of instinct. Water flooded into my lungs and I coughed, air bubbles flying up all around me.

Great. Just great. I had already used up all the oxygen in my lungs. Idiot.

I tried to find up, but it was nearly impossible. The water was too dark to see anything. Was I near the surface? Near the bottom? If I kicked, would I just drive myself deeper underwater?

Panic began to set in. My lungs felt like they were going to burst with the pressure. My brain screamed at me to take a breath, to open my mouth. Yet I knew that if I did that, it was all over.

Black began to cloud the edges of my vision. That was it. I may die, but at least I had a better chance of survival by moving....somewhere.

I moved my legs weakly. No strength was left in my body.

There are worse ways to die.

That was the last thought that crossed my mind before everything went black.

Nick Sievers' POV

I inhaled deeply and curled my hands into fists. The man standing mere feet away from me was breathing heavily, already exhausted from our fight.

I rushed the man again. He stumbled out of the way, but my fist managed to clip his shoulder. He staggered backwards a few steps before regaining his balance.

My attacker shifted on the balls of his feet and pulled his arm back.


Honestly, the man was too easy to read. I stepped out of his speeding fist's way and gripped his arm. The man's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could do anything I grabbed his head in my hands and brought my kneecap up to his nose.

There was a blunt crack and I released the head of dark hair. Slowly, he looked up at me with murderous eyes. Crimson leaked from both of his nostrils and his nose was slightly crooked.

He pulled back his arm again and drove a punch directly into my stomach. God. It felt like a train had hit me head on. My guts smashed together under the impact, blood vessels bursting.

Grunting, I wiped sweat off my forehead. I repaid him by socking his jaw, my entire body weight behind that punch. I continued to batter the man until he fell to the wooden boards, chest heaving up and down.

I raised a hand to deal the killing blow, but caught sight of my glowing watch face in the process.


I cursed and kicked the man off the dock and into the water. No more fun. We needed to move.

Brook Aldridge's POV

Wiping the blood from my cheek, I balled my fists and rushed at my assailant anew. She ducked and swiped at my legs, but I sidestepped her. She stumbled, and I shoved her toward the edge of the dock.

But the woman gripped my arm and used the momentum to nearly swing me into the water. I rolled to the side and stood up, exhaling heavily.

I held my fists up, but suddenly my attacker collapsed. I frowned and cocked my head.

Nick stood behind her now collapsed figure, rubbing his hands together.

I smiled and shook my head. "I could've taken her."

He nodded. "I'm sure you could have, sweetheart. But we need to go. Where's my father?"

I inclined my head upward. Nick followed my indication to a chopper flying a safe distance above us.

"Of course," he grumbled.

Nick's father slowly descended on a rope and smirked. "I thought the supposed 'world's greatest hitman' would be able to dispatch a couple of lackeys quicker than that."

Nick balled his fists. "I didn't see you helping."

Charles bristled. "I would prefer not to kill anyone. Unlike some people, I actually have a conscience." Jeez. I see where Nick gets his sarcasm, now.

Nick's following laugh was cold and empty. "You just don't want to get any blood on your prissy hands."

"Boy, I raised you and you will show me-"

"Guys!" I shouted. Both men looked at me, annoyed I had interrupted their argument.

I frowned. "Where's Jay?"

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