The Proof

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Nick Sievers' POV

Officers escorted Anderson and me off the plane promptly when it landed. I kept my head down for the most part, besides when I was searching for Aldridge and Conway. Yet they were nowhere to be found.

The officers walked us directly into an area labeled "Security," then we were shoved into two different rooms. The officer unlocked my handcuffs and reattached them to the table in front of me.

Then, the officer opened his mouth and began reciting my Miranda rights. I zoned out and wondered whether Anderson had a plan or not.

"Understand?" the man finally asked.

I looked up at him and smirked. "No. Could you repeat them?"

Of course, by law he had to. The man exhaled. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...."

Heck, I had heard the Miranda rights so many times, I could recite them word for word along with the guy.

"Now do you understand?" the officer asked. He drummed his fingers on the table impatiently.

I leaned back in my chair, pretending to think. "Mm....yeah. I guess so." The man exhaled and turned to leave, but he paused in the doorway.

"Are you sure you don't want to make a phone call?" he asked. I waved him off, and the man more than happily left. I smirked and mock saluted.

It had been at least an hour since then. In that time, I had seen no one.

Not that I had a problem with it. My life had been crazy the past few days, and even a hitman needs a break sometimes.

That being said, I'd prefer not to take my break handcuffed in an empty room.

Well, the room wasn't completely empty. It was very similar to where Aldridge had held me when the FBI has first taken me in. The only differences were the dirtier walls and a lack of one-way glass.

Aldridge must have heard by now about what had happened. If she really was worthy of being the FBI Director, she would pull some strings and have us out of here in no time.

Unless they left me. Unless they decided I was useless, just a deadweight to haul around.

They wouldn't, because then I would just spill the news about what they were doing. I suspected it wasn't entirely legal.

Slowly, I brought a hand up to my cheek where I had been cut earlier. I winced and pulled my hand away. Blood.

The door unlocked, and in walked the air marshal. I sat up, suddenly interested.

"The FBI wants to see you." He smirked like I was dead meat, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

Aldridge walked in, and the man exited and closed the door, locking it behind him.

I stood up. "Without the crutches, I see?"

She nodded. "Yeah, well, that would have made for a lot of explaining." I smirked and watched her walk closer to me. Her gait was still off, but an untrained eye wouldn't even notice.

"I didn't think you were coming back for me," I remarked.

Aldridge shrugged. "Only because we were already here for Anderson."

I gazed into her eyes, such a fiery blue, burning with passion. Yet worn, tired. As if she had fought one too many battles.

"I thought you were the world's greatest hitman," Aldridge said. "I thought you didn't get caught." Was that a challenge?

I shrugged. "Anderson was the one who made the noise. That's why I work alone."

She took a step closer, to where our breath mingled. "It isn't that bad working with me, is it?"

I smiled and cocked my head. "Prove it."

Aldridge opened her mouth to say something, but I pressed my lips firmly against hers. She placed her hands on my chest as if she was going to push me away, but I caught hers with one of mine and placed them to my chest.

Her lips and mine moved furiously, while my hands ran down her back. She clenched fistfuls of my shirt, needing even more of me.

I moved my mouth to her jawbone, then traced kisses down her neck. God, she smelt amazing.

Suddenly, the door banged open. Both of our heads turned, and standing in the doorway was the last person I expected to see.


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