The Reunion

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Jay landed the Nicole II in the wilderness outside the city of Pearl City. I hopped off and a clod of dirt flew up underneath my feet.

Brook landed next to me with a thud. She peered through the mess of trees toward the city looming in front of us.

Jay was still messing around in the helicopter. I tapped my foot and sighed. I checked my watch. 9:00. We only had three hours.

Three hours.

Finally, Jay leapt down to stand beside Brook and me. But he didn't move.

"Well?" I asked impatiently. "Ready to go?"

Jay wouldn't look me in the eyes. He frowned and glanced downward. "Not exactly. I'm....waiting on someone."

I laughed. "Who could possibly be that important? We need to get moving."

My friend shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Nick, um, there's something I need to tell you."

Just then, the sound of more whirring chopper blades could be heard.

I cursed. "The FBI. We need to hide."

Brook and I dove for cover under a nearby bush. But Jay didn't move. He stood in the middle of the clearing, right by the Nicole.

What the heck is he doing?

"Jay," I hissed. He glanced at me, but shook his head. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Get down!"

But he didn't. As the helicopter landed, I gripped Brook's hand, ready to run. But I didn't get the chance.

The most insufferable voice I knew echoed from the helicopter. "Well? I'm here. Now what?"

Rage filled up inside of me. I shook with it, burned with it. My hands clenched together so tightly they turned white. My arms shook and my teeth ground against each other.


My father.

A low growl emitted from my throat, and I wasn't sure it was entirely human. I climbed out from under the bush and raced toward him, anger clouding my vision. All that mattered now was me and him, him and me. And I would tear him apart.

A hand threw itself across my chest. Jay. I tried to shove him away, but he was persistent.

"Stop," Jay said. "He's here to help."

I balled my fingers into fists. "I don't want his help."

The man I had once called father watched me, his face a mixture of amusement and neutrality. "Ah. Nicholas. I see you're as much of a monster as ever." He tossed the cigarette he had been puffing on to the side.

"Yeah, well, it takes one to know one," I responded.

My father stood up straighter and looked down at me. Even though I was a good half foot taller, he had a way of lifting his pointy chin and staring down his narrow nose. "I heard you got married?"

How did he-?

Jay. I glared at Jay, trembling with rage. He held up his hands nervously and stepped back. He had told this man....this monster?

There was a rustling behind me. I whirled around to see Brook, standing up and brushing off her no longer pristine pantsuit. She quickly walked toward us, eyes on my father.

She stopped once she was shoulder to shoulder with me, facing my father. He looked her up and down.

"I'm assuming you're Nick's father?" she asked, holding out a hand.

My father shook his head. "No. I'm not related to that....that disgrace." He looked at her hand like it was a foreign object.

Brook's jaw clenched and her fingers twitched. I was good at reading people. I knew what came next.

And didn't do anything to stop it.

Before all of our eyes, Brook lifted her hand and struck my father on the face.

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