The Fight

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Nick Sievers' POV

I rushed toward Anderson, but at that moment several guns clicked around me. "Stop," a gruff voice demanded, "or we'll blast your head off your body."

Several men formed a circle around Anderson and me, aiming their guns directly at us. Slowly, I raised my hands above my head. Over the noise of airplanes racing down the tarmac and wind whipping around me, I could barely make out footsteps behind me.

I turned to look, but a voice stopped me. "Don't move."

I huffed and remained still, waiting for the mysterious person to appear.

"Can I take a guess?" I asked.

There was a slight pause. "Guess what?"

I smiled. "Who you are. The guy trying to scare me by pacing behind me. It's Vincent Huxley. Nice try, buddy, but you just aren't that sca-"

"Silence!" The man I assumed to be Huxley commanded. Even his own henchmen jumped, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Well, well, well," he gloated. "If it isn't the hitman trying to eradicate me."

That reminded me of my father's.

"Daddy!" I cried, trying to cling to him.

"Don't call me that," he hissed. "You're no son of mine." He yanked his arm away from my grasp.

I instinctively reached for where my sunglasses should have been. Where they weren't.

"You seem like a decent guy," Vincent remarked, bringing me back to the present. He finally came into view, and I could understand why people were afraid of him. His arms bulged like mountains on rocky terrain, his tattoos dancing around them. His face was fixed in a permanent scowl, and his eyes were so intense one couldn't help but look away. "It's a shame I have to kill you," he finished.

He turned away from me. This was my chance. I lunged for him and threw my knife. Another man leapt in its way, and it pierced his heart. He fell to the ground, breathing but not for long.

Vincent whirled back around. "So you really are trying to kill me." He snapped his fingers and beckoned to his men. "Finish him. And the girl. We can't have any witnesses."

As a man gripped my arm and twisted it behind my back, I watched Vincent walk away and up the steps of a private jet. He waved at me smugly before ducking inside. The engine started, and soon enough he went soaring off.

I kicked a leg back and made contact with my would-be captor. He faltered for a moment, and I slipped out of his grasp. I spun around and socked him in the jaw. He stumbled back a few steps, but managed to throw his arms up for protection.

Amateur mistake.

I kicked him a rather unfortunate spot, and he fell to the ground. Hey, I never said I fought fair.

But several more men stepped up to replace him. I picked up the collapsed gang member and threw him at the horde of people. Those not fast enough to dodge the flying human toppled under his weight like a bunch of bowling pins.

A man punched me in the stomach. The breath rushed out of me, but I quickly recovered. I squared up and growled. He would be sorry for going up against Nick Sievers.

I kicked at his legs, but he managed to dodge the blow. I struck his face, and the man clutched his nose. Blood flowed from his face as he stumbled back. I took the opportunity to swipe at his legs, and he went tumbling to the ground. But just as I was about to deliver a finishing blow, someone gripped my arm from behind.

I whirled around to see not a man, but a woman. She snarled and rushed toward me. I sidestepped her attack, and tried to hit her face. But she managed to dodge me. I kicked toward her legs, but she managed to grab it. She twisted my leg and I fell to the ground with an oof.

She instantly straddled me, and if this was any other situation I would have made some joke to make her feel uncomfortable about her position on me.

But it wasn't. This was serious. The woman swung toward my face and my head jerked violently to the side. I held my hands up to block her next hit.

As her fists rushed toward me, I gripped them and enclosed them in my larger hands. Slowly, I began twisting her wrists in a way they weren't meant to be twisted.

There was a crack, and I shoved the woman off of me. She laid on the ground in obvious pain, her hands limp. I didn't usually want to fight ladies, but she had hit me first, so I felt justified.

I turned away and began walking, but the woman swept me to the ground with her legs. Dang. Maybe I should have broken those, too.

As my face hit the ground, it collided with a stray knife one of the gang members must have dropped. It cut down my cheek, and I winced. I rolled over and groaned, feeling the warm blood welling up.

"Sievers!" Anderson cried. She rushed over to me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and began getting back up. "Yeah. Just a scratch." Anderson was skeptical, but took my answer.

I exhaled and surveyed our surroundings. All the gang members were either collapsed on the tarmac or had run away. I smiled. "Let's go catch that plane."

The sound of roaring engines grew louder and louder, until it was practically deafening.

Anderson tapped me on the shoulder and I whirled around. "I think a plane found us," she stated.

An airplane was racing toward us. They weren't going to be able to stop in time.

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