Baby its cold outside (Giant Jacksepticeye x Tiny Reader)

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(Warning: contains mouth play and soft vore.)

I take another step into the cold blizzard, feeling my whole body go numb. I try to take another step, but my legs break out from under me. I could see my breath slowly leave my body, the wind quickly swallowing me into the white abyss. I left the house i was borrowing from an hour ago, but it has seemed like days. I was caught, and in the most dumb way. The man that I was borrowing from was making another one of his 'videos. He calls himself,'Jacksepticeye' I was laughing so hard, I didn't realize how everything went quiet. I stopped laughing and noticed how he was looking right at me. He saw me. He knew I was there. Without hesitating, i quicky slid off the shelf and ran into the mouse hole, with him on my tail.

Now I was in the middle of the woods, about to die from hypothermia. I could barley keep my eyes open when I hear the sound of crunching snow. I didn't have the energy to get uo and fight back, I just felt myself lift off of the ground by giabt cold fingers. I didnt dare to look into his eyes. I knew it was Jack, and I was too weak to react.

"Poor thing." Jack huffed. His breath was so warm, I couldn't help but relax. He seemed to notice this, and tries to warm me up by clamping his hands together.

"C'mon, warm up, (Y/n)!" He begs, but it seemed he was begging more to himself than me.

I slowly peek through my eyes as his face suddenly lights up wirh an idea, then a flash of worry.

"I know how to save ya, ye just have to trust me and know that its gonna be ok!" Jack whispers, making me close my eyes.

"Do you trust me?" Jack asked, making me nod.

(Here it is)

I watch as he lifts me in the air, dangling me above his gaping maw. I squeak as he places me in the slimey cave, shutting his jaw in the process.

I try to stand up, only for him to push me to the front of his jaw and gently lick me. My heart begins to speed up as I look for a way out. There is no way in hell im dying like this, just put me back in the freezing cold dammit!!! He lifts me up with his tounge onto the top of his jaw and licks me some more. I start to feel tears escape my cheeks as I go limp, I'm not going to give him the sadisfaction of my squirming.

With one swift move, he gently swallows, taking me down to my doom. I slowly slide into a small area, his stomach. I crawl in the corner, hug my legs, and cry. I never thought it would end this way, I thought I'd be able to live a full life, make a family, discover new things, and much more, but thanks to my loud moth, I'm now stuck in ny death chamber. I decided to lay down and hope that I dont feel any of the pain in my sleep. But little did I notice that there was no stumach acid anywhere to harm me.

(It's over!)

-three hours later-

I wake up with a throbbing headache. What happened? I slowly open my eyes, only for two giant eyes to stare back. I yelp and scoot back, only for a hand to stop me. My mind seemed to swarm with questions. How did he find me?! Did I show myself?! Then it hit me. I remember everything that happened.

"Feeling ok?" The green giant asks, tilting his head and smiling, showing his fangs.

That explains whay im not dead, hes a predator! But why did he save me? Predators usually eat tinies, unless he stored me...

"Hey?" I hear his voice boom over me. I shake out of it and look up at him, my back still leaning on his hand.

He notices how tense I was and ran his finger around in my back. My tense body then instantly relaxes at his soft touch. I lean my head to the side and sigh.

"I take it that yer feeling better!" He chuckles.

I nod and smile, feeling him brush his finger in a circular motion. He does this for a bit longer until I ghad the guts to finally stand. I wobbled a bit, but got assistance by his finger. He watches as I blush and hug onto his finger, trying not to fall.

"T-thanks..." I whisper, my hair slowly falling into my face.

"No need to thank me, all I did was bring ye back home!" He smiles, making me stop.

Home? Did he just say bring me home? But this is his house, why is he including me?

"H-home?" I mumble. I was surprised that he was able to hear me, even with his predator ears.

"Of course, I just want to know why ye left?" He asks.

I stop and look down. He lifts my jaw and smiles, making me blush like a cherry. I try to speak but stop. Why was he baing so nice? I look into his eyes and sigh, feeling relaxation come rushing back into my gut.

"Why are you being nice?" I ask.

He did nothing but sit there. He thought for a bit, but just rubbed his finger on my head and chuckles.

"Well, I'm not a fan of being rude, yes, I am who I am, but why not use my abilities to save lil folks like ye!" He smirks.

I chuckled as he refered to his predator ways as his 'abilities.' I smile and decided to answer his question he asked earlier.

"I left because it's the borrowers code, once your caught, you have to leave. I shrug. Its not much of a big deal, really. Its all I've learned growing up, its natural for us tinies, and it will forever be that way.

"But did you really have to leave, I'd like it of ye stayed here!" He smiles.

I blush and look down at my feet. Did he really mean it?! It would be easier now that I wouldn't have to hide, and I have a freaking predator to protect me if needed be!

"I'll be glad to stay here!" I giggle, huggung his thumb.

He gushes and picks me up, placing me on his cheek. Figuring this was the best way to hug a giant, I giggled at his effort and hig him back. His purring made me feel really relaxed. Without thinking of it, i suddenly remeber that he sayed my name when he found me freezing outside!

"Hey, how did you k ow my name?" I ask.

"Same as you know mine, just overhearing it once in a while. You realize your always taking to yourself, right?" He raises his eyebrow.

He always knew I was there? Whyd didnt he reach out for me earlier. I decide that it was best to shove of my thoughts to the back of my head exept one. This one jas been bugging me since day one.

"One last question." I yawn.


"Whats a YouTube?" I ask.

He chuckles and stands up, placing me on his shoulder. "I'll tell you later, right now seems like the perfect time to get some rest.

He places me on a pillow and lays a small blanket on me. I snuggle into the fabric and sigh, feeling relaxation for the first time in forever. He leaves the room and comes back in his pjs, laying down on the other pillow. I blush as he places his hand over me as a blanket, making me smile.

"Sweet dreems (Y/n)." He purrs.

"Night, Jack." I whisper, falling into a deep sleep

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